Hi everyone,
It’s me Rennie here with the amazing news that there is a chance for a second HiLife Cat Hamper in our most recent giveaway!
Did you miss our review feature of their food a few weeks couple of months back? Well not to worry because you can find it here.
Or just check out some of the pictures below with all the delicious natural food we received. *drools*

So good luck everyone!
Signed by,
Prince Renegade the Creator of Chaos
Our kitties favourite treats are freeze dried meat, just like Nubia. I like the sound of this being natural.
Pingback: UK Giveaway: Win a Cat Food Hamper full of HiLife products – Katzenworld | RoseyToesSews
Always good to see Renegade again – he has so much enthusiasm for life – well it seems most of it is for food – however. His colouring of white and ginger is very close to New Zealand’s recently deceased First Cat see http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-41909057
I heard about NZs first Cat passing away. So sad. 🙁
And thank you :). Renegade will appear a lot haha
Thank you…and thank you again. I do hope our new PM gets a new Prime Moggy again soon. And that the SPCA will forgive her and allow to take home another cat. Looking forward to seeing more of Renegade – and Nubia and Oliver too of course.
There will be many more stories to come. 🙂
If you hear of a new moggy arriving let me know and I’ll post about it. 😀
Thank you. I certainly will. The Prime Minister is busy at APEC and other international meetings at the moment, but I am sure we will hear if / when a new Prime Moggy arrives. Her partner is not involved in politics at all and was devoted to Paddles. I am sure he will want a replacement as much as she does.
Keep us posted if you hear something and I’ll make sure to write something up. Wondering if we should do a tribute post as well
A tribute would be wonderful ! I have no material, but you can find info on https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/98663593/paddles-jacinda-arderns-cat-has-been-killed-apparently-run-over http://www.tvnz.co.nz http://www.1newsnow. co.nz http://www.stuff.co.nz and http://www.nzherald.co.nz . TVNZ’s “Breakfast” programme had a good clip sent in by Jacinda Ardern’s partner showing Paddles bringing what looks like a stuffed mouse for him to throw and for her to fetch – repeatedly. And http://www.google.co.nz also has a good selection.
I shall try and write something up. <3
That would be brilliant !
Pingback: UK Giveaway: Win a Cat Food Hamper full of HiLife products – Katzenworld | Animals are Wonderful
I won this prize the 1st time I would recommend everyone to enter as it’s a great prize for your feline family. Wishing you all good luck. x??????
Fantastic give-away prize!
Thanks for sharing and if we win we’ll be donating it to our local rescue
Bestest purrs
Basil & Co xox
Good luck ^^
This would be the perfect treat for Hobbs; nothing better than a healthy, happy pussy cat
Good luck 🙂
would love to win for my two cats! thanks for the chance
Do we get the cat with the hamper? p-)
Haha xD no he is just being nosey 😉