Find the most popular cat or dog breed by postcode in the UK includes Infographic

British Shorthair cats are the most popular pedigree cat breed in the UK, according to new research on pet ownership carried out by Sainsbury’s Bank.

Cats with mixed ancestry like Domestic Shorthairs, Tabby, Domestic Longhaired and moggies made up the vast majority of the UK’s cat population, with these breeds accounting for 72% of cats. However according to the research, the top 10 pedigree breeds in the UK are:

  1. British Shorthair (6%)
  2. Bengal (1.7%)
  3. Ragdoll (1.6%)
  4. Maine Coon (1.6%)
  5. Persian (1%)
  6. Siamese (0.8%)
  7. British Longhair (0.4%)
  8. Birman (0.4%)
  9. Burmese (0.4%)
  10. Russian Blue (0.3%)

Norwich has emerged as the Cat Capital of the UK, with the research showing that the city has the highest level of cat ownership in the UK. 44% of households have a cat compared to the national figure of 19%.

Newcastle is the city with the lowest rate of cat ownership – perhaps not surprisingly when you consider that it’s also the city with the highest rate of dog ownership, with 41% of households having a dog.

If you’re interested in finding out the top cat breeds in your area, as well as whether there are more cats or dogs where you live, wonder no more. Sainsbury’s Bank have launched a new pet map tool that allows you to enter your postcode and find out the most popular breeds in your location.

To find out the top cat breeds in your area, visit


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27 thoughts on “Find the most popular cat or dog breed by postcode in the UK includes Infographic

      • Léa says:

        Well I happen to have it on great authority, none other than mademoiselle Colette, that only the superior cats come from the S.P.A. You have to have something going for yourself to have one of their cats choose you!

  1. FreeMurrli says:

    We have two moggies: Murrli is a EKH (Europäische Kurzhaarkatze/European shorthair), and Daphne is a Aegean moggie. We got her from the shelter. Nothing is known about her, but we suspect that she was a “holiday souvenir“ fromthe Mediterranean.

    • Marc-André says:

      Glad they found a good home with yourself. And wouldn’t it be interesting if our cats could tell us their life story? We don’t know much about where our two came from.

      Oliver – the mysterious silent Tuxedo moggie that seems to have a bit of British shorthair or Scottish fold in him (apple face. 😉 ) yet there might also be some Asian mix in his ancestors as his meow (the rare moments he uses it) sounds more like that funny nyaaaaooow of a Japanese cat LOL.

      Nubia the beautiful little princess? The only thing the charity knew was that she came from a litter of five and no one wanted to adopt her because of her three paws. 🙁 Well and maybe also her tendency for dramatic meows for no apparent reason apart from announcing that one is in the house LOL.

      • FreeMurrli says:

        oh yes, I wish we could understand them 🙂 Murrli just turned up about 10/11 years ago with a litter of kittens. She does meow occasionally, and she is a real cuddler.
        Daphne is very vocal, she has got these oriental golden eyes, has overall white half-long hair, has big ears, and has got funny blotches of black and tabby on her. She was about three/four months old, hissing and growling in her cage. At the same time, she was twinkling her eyes at me. And that was it, I had to take her. It was not easy at first because she was traumatised having already been in the shelter for about two months. It took a lot of patience but it was worth it. She is lovely.
        Murrli and Daphne by the way live in different places, Murrli in a garden across town, and Daphne in our flat.

        Did you get yours at the same time?

        • Marc-André says:

          We had Oliver first before getting Nubia. In fact Oliver was meant to be a playmate for our first cat that didn’t like being alone at home and the charity thought a second cat might help. But we figured out our first cat was an ex-feral (they got the notes wrong) and all she wanted was a garden… we had to re-home her to a new place as she got more and more aggressive without a garden. And as Oli came from a multi cat household he was depressed when he had no one else so that’s why we got Nubia for him. 🙂

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