Hi everyone,
Today we have a fun infographic for you all on napping with your feline companion.
As we all probably know just to well we love to sleep with our cats near us but… some cats have the tendency to jump from cupboards on top of unsuspecting humans or worse haha!
So this cute infographic should give some tips and ideas.
Napping with Cats infographic by Mattress Online.
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I love the idea of putting treats in the puzzle toy. My cat shows no interest in her puzzle toy, maybe she will if I put treats in it! 🙂
Yeah puzzle toys with treats are awrsome
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Merci 🙂
I don’t know what the human would dream, but the cat would dream about how they will conquer the universe after they conquer Earth.
Haha that’s for sure about the cat
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And how does your cat sleep?
Thanks for sharing ^^
Love the part about not rewarding your cat for waking you up. Still laughing about that one.
Hehe 😀
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Zoe and Gracie are actually pretty good until breakfast time in the morning. Then, they’re ruthless! 🙂
Glad you liked it !
I had a quilt across the end of the bed for decoration. Jamima loved it! I put some polar fleece in her favourite spot. Her favourite spot moved. If was to the point it wasn’t safe to put any of my clothes anywhere on the bed. Totally worth it!
Our two love the blankets. 🙂
Having the adoption staff at the animal shelter help you pick the right cat is also beneficial. I tend to prefer older, more mellow cats, and I let them know my preference when adopting. They should be willing to help match you with a cat (ESPECIALLY when it means an older cat that’s been overlooked for a long time will get a home!), so don’t be afraid to ask them for assistance.
Really cute!
Glad you liked it. ^^
One of my cats loves bump hunting but the main problem is that they tend to hog all of the bed. I usually end up sleeping in a corner of it or am half hanging out of the edge of the bed to accommodate the cat’s need for more space LOL
LOL. That sounds very familiar.
Good things to know even for an old cat hag like me ?????
Glad you found some useful tips. 🙂
Latex has such good stories, articles, news, and great photos there cats. I love this blog ???????