Hi everyone,
As some of you may have read we will once again be attending a LondonCats club show so we thought why not share some of the highlights from the last show in January with you all in the lead-up to the show.

While at the show in January we met a huge variety of different cats and of course one was more adorable than the next! 😀
Our personal favourite has to be the little guy with his huge paws that was stretching out towards our camera.
We also got a lucky shot of the persian licking her mouth – a beautiful one that belongs to one of our good friends actually. 🙂
Being a cat show most of the attending cats entered a variety of different “rings” to be judged and receive awards. What we like about TICA and LondonCats is that they take loads of precautions to ensure the safety of the cats during the show and they will not allow people to continue if the cats show signs of being distressed by the event.
Of course being a popular show there also had to be a variety of stalls around to give visitors a chance to purchase some fabulous cat products!

And a you can see there were LOADS of exhibitors. And look closely you’ll see that while we couldn’t bring along the real Oli we had our little mascot Oli with us to visit all of the different stalls. 🙂
Most of the exhibitors shown above will be there again at the show this April so why not pop-by and visit us all? 😀
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Thank you 😀
Awww… I think you liked the soft toys best!!!
Haha yeah 🙂
…I love cats, but the hairless ones…hmm, really not sure on those!
Wow, that looks like a great show! If we lived in London, we would totally check it out!
Ah we will be writing about it afterwards. 🙂
Wonderful show! And you, Oli, you were superb 😀
I would have liked to buy everything!!!
Hehe :-). It was hard to resist the urge to buy stuff
congrats on you being part of the show =^:^=
Thank you very much. The next one is this weekend. 🙂
What a wonderful show ! And Plush Oli is so cute ! We wish we lived in London and could attend ! Purrs
Ah that would be amazing. It would be nice to meet you. 🙂
Looks like you had a great time!! Love the photos.
Thank you 🙂