Hi everyone,
Please find a very important rescue story of our friends over at the PDSA below. Without the important work of the PDSA we wouldn’t want to think what would happen to cats such as Tuppence!
Additionally if you happen to have any information that could help the police track down the person that attacked this poor cat do report it to police or crimestoppers uk using the details below.
Please note for those of you that have asked for a tissue rating this is a definite 5 out of 5 on the scale of requiring tissues…
PDSA vets save cat after boiling water attack
A beloved family cat was left scarred for life after suffering horrific burns when boiling water was poured over her head and back.
Seven-year-old Tuppence almost died following the incident, but has pulled through following intensive treatment from vet and nursing staff at PDSA’s Bournemouth Pet Hospital.

The white-and-black cat was rushed to the charity’s hospital in January by her elderly owner, Vivienne Percy (70) from Poole, after returning home soaking wet and in obvious shock.
PDSA Head Nurse, Stella Hughes, said: “When we first saw Tuppence, she was very wet and cold, had grazes over her body, and her ear tip was inverted.
“Initially we suspected she had been involved in a road traffic collision, but as the wounds started to develop it was clear she was instead suffering from serious burns. Her injuries were consistent with burns from boiling water, which is very worrying.
“We’re horrified that anyone might have done this intentionally to a helpless animal. The pain and suffering Tuppence has gone through, and the worry for her owner is unimaginable.”
Tuppence’s wounds are still being managed by PDSA staff and she is making a steady recovery. She is receiving pain killers and antibiotics to keep her comfortable and prevent infection while she continues to heal.
Stella added: “Tuppence is responding well to treatment but extensive burns are always very difficult to manage. We initially feared we would have to amputate her right ear but we’re now hopeful we’ll be able to save it.
“We expect her to make a full recovery but she will be left with scarring and some of her fur may never grow back. We’re also unsure how the mental trauma of the incident will affect her in the long-term.”

Owner Vivienne, who is disabled, said she had been left traumatised by the attack on her beloved cat:
“I can’t understand why anyone would do this to her. I’ve had so many sleepless nights since this happened, it’s really upset me.
“Tuppence can’t go outside anymore because of her injuries, but PDSA have been amazing. They have been there for me and Tuppence when we needed them and I can’t tell you what that means to me.”
Anyone with information about the attack on Tuppence is asked to contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55170008963. Alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously via www.crimestoppers-uk.org
More about the PDSA:
PDSA is the UK’s leading veterinary charity, providing free veterinary care for the sick and injured pets of people in need and promoting responsible pet ownership. For further information about PDSA please visit www.pdsa.org.uk or call 0800 731 2502.
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Thank you 🙂
Poor little Tuppence! I hope she’ll recover fast and completely.
Indeed :-(. And thank you. <3
Jut another reason my cats are indoor only. I have an online aggregator that collects reports of animal abuse and I am just appalled at how much of it there is. Such a beautiful cat and the companion of a disabled person now both traumatized. I hope the find the perpetrator.
I know, they are much safer indoors!
I know 🙁 it’s so sad that all these things happen… btw what news aggregator are you using? Could be useful to spot things that need sharing. <3
How awful! I simply can not understand how anyone could be intentionally cruel to an animal or another human! Thank goodness the poor baby is doing better, but what a trauma for her and her owner to go through!
Yes that was exactly our thought… 🙁
How horrible! Lots of purrs and soft paws for my poor furriend!
Thank you <3
What is wrong with some people? Poor Kitty.
I know! This is why I have my blog…to bring awareness that this kind of stuff happens all of the time to poor innocent animals. 🙁
I know right. 🙁
Poor little cat-I hope she and her owner are recovering. The PDSA are a wonderful charity and do such good work-so pleased they could help.
Indeed. It’s so sad that this even happened 🙁
Whoever did this needs boiling water poured over them! ?
Poor cat! Unfortunately, I am not surprised! As an animal advocate, I know this kind of stuff goes on all of the time. It is up to us to stop it. They have no voice, but we do.
Also, it seems to me that it would have to be someone who lives close to them that did this. People don’t walk around with boiling water.
Very true… and sad
:/ yeah wish this had never happened to the poor cat.
This is so horrible! I’m so glad the PDSA were able to help Tuppence and her owner, this must be so traumatic for them. I would be so upset if this happened to one of my little guys. I hope they catch whoever did this to her.
We are sending positive energy your way, Tuppence! Purrs, Quicksilver et al
That is so sad, but glad that PDSA was there to help and get her back on the path to health. That sounds like a great charity! I hope she heals quickly and isn’t mentally affected too bad by the incidence.
<3 thank you
Please do not let your cats outside, the world can be evil for defenseless animals
🙁 indeed
Poor luv! I think the ass-hat who did this should be taken out the back and shot! (After they have boiling water poured on them) I would highly recommend Calendula cream for said kitty. And a cone of shame so she couldn’t lick it off……….
Yes… it was such a horrible story. 🙁 but we had to share it to raise awareness.
I hope Tuppence continues to heal well, sending positive healing thoughts her way.
The PDSA is a fantastic charity, and is especially valuable in a case like this, which are sadly becoming more common.
<3 thanks
Is it any wonder that I prefer animals over humans?? It’s absolutely disgusting what has happened to Tuppence. Sending healing vibes Tuppence’s way x
Yep :/ and thanks for your comment!
please keep your kitties inside. too many horrible humans around who hate animals and humans as well. speedy recovery little kitty. my heart is broken for you and your owner. so sad. 🙁
Indeed 🙁
Sometimes I wish we could treat those horrible people the same way they treat these defenseless animals. God Speed Tuppence
I know. 🙁
Reblogged this on ELLESGOT2KNOW and commented:
So sad ….glad this poor cat has been saved.
Thanks for sharing!