Lola can be quite a fickle creature. Sometimes she’s wild and aloof. She’ll run around like a crazy thing, yelling at the top of her voice. Often at these times her tail is puffed up like some kind of black squirrel and she develops an odd mohawk along her lower back.
Other times she is the soppiest, cuddliest creature you’ve ever met. If one of us is lazying on the bed she’ll jump up onto our tummies, pad for a good while, and then settled down. Given the choice she’d stay there for hours!
She doesn’t usually jump up on our laps when we’re sitting on our computer chairs. (Perhaps she would if we were sitting on a sofa, but we don’t have one!) But she will come into laps if we sit on the floor near her when she’s in a sweet mood. And again would gladly stay for hours, if only it was practical for us humans to let her.
I suppose in a way she’s sometimes cuddly even when not cuddling, if that makes any sense. Her favourite places to sleep tend to be the places that are close to us – the top of husband’s computer, the Princess Pod – so I guess you could consider that non-contact cuddling! Okay sure, that’s a thing I just made up. But it makes sense to me at least!
Lady Joyful
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What a beautiful cat!! My Bette cuddles only by being near me and she in next to me everywhere I go…table next to my laptop, special bench for her next to my arm chair and in my bed next. My male cats would cuddle closer but I guess she doesn’t want me to mess up her mane:) Beautiful post!
Thank you! Aw, Bette sounds very sweet. I think non-contact snuggling is a good way to show love without messing up the mane 😀 Thanks for commenting 🙂
I can perfectly understand where you are getting at with “non-contact cuddling” – it is what my Tom usually does, either so close he IS touching my leg, or close enough for the odd cuddle from me. If he wants to stay near but not too near he retreats under the cover that I have thrown over the couch to safe it from cat hairs *hahaha*. The I know better than to go and cuddle him, though sometimes I pet the bulge, too. Just so that he knows I think of him and love him.
What a sweetheart! Yes, non-contact cuddling does seem a good choice for those cats that are sometimes touch averse. Close proximity can show love without having to be too touchy-touchy. Thanks for commenting 🙂
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Thank you!
Awwww?? cats are literally my favorite animal! Well, I love guinea pigs and cute puppies too but cat tops all! Lol
Haha, I feel quite the same way! Thanks for commenting 🙂
No problem? and I forgot to add, I do have 2 guinea pigs, and cat. Leo(cat) Lilo and LOLA? the guinea pigs lol
Well, you clearly have great taste in names! 😉
Really enjoyed Lola,s story and she is so beautiful,I just love her tail.x?????
Oh, thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, she’s a pretty little thing. Thanks for commenting 🙂
beautiful cat <3 cats make me happy 🙂
Thank you! They’re good like that, aren’t they? 🙂
Reblogged this on COUNTRY LIVING and commented:
Cute post.
great cat!
Amazing Lola’s story! Beautiful cat. I will share the post
Thank you 🙂
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