Cat Travel: Cat Cafe Stubentiger – The Coonies and the Rocking Chair!

Hi everyone,

We are back with another visit to the cat cafe Stubentiger in Hannover! One of the highlights in terms of sitting options is a big rocking chair in the cafe.

Now you’d probably think, great I can relax on that. 😀 But did you consider the need of the Maine Coone cats ? 😉

What you wanna sit here?

Yep that’s right while we were at the cafe all three of the resident Coonies (Hiro, Holly und Havanna) were in the chair at various points of our visit!

Next time we are in the cafe we shall have to try out the chair and see if it is as comfy as the cats suggest. 😀

But in the meantime we’ve got a couple more super cute shots!

Oops…. we might have awoken Hiro!

P.S: For those that have not yet heard of a Maine Coone they are one of the largest cat breed out there! But also one of the cuddliest and friendliest. Just remember if you get a Maine Coone that their fur will need a lot of extra attention to keep them purrfectly groomed! 🙂

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