Hi everyone,
Today’s guest post comes from Triplegemini:
I’m quite certain there was a human trapped in this kitten’s body, or maybe that’s my own denial of how animals have souls like us.
I met Tibbles one fine day in the courtyard of my old share house in Newtown. I had no idea who he belonged to but I loved the way he would just make himself at home in my room and would follow me up and down the stairs and wait for me when I went to the bathroom. I loved that his visits to me were daily since that moment. When I had a sick day he would chill on the bed with me. When I opened my bedroom door some mornings he would just be there in the hallway waiting. See exhibit A below.
He was the most chilled out kitten I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. He taught me the value of lying in the sun on a Saturday and using body language and presence to communicate. Over time his visits were reduced to only Saturdays, specifically at 9am – so I would be sure to keep the door open to await his arrival.
Then, one Saturday, Tibbles didn’t show.
I waited patiently in vain for his little face to pop up from the roof of our shed. This went on for weeks. I even recorded a song for him (never to be revealed) in the hopes that he would pick up on its loving vibrational frequency and wander back into my arms. Nothing. There was another cat who started visiting me but that’s a story for another day..
Months went by.
It wasn’t until July 2016, one week before I was set to move into my own studio in Darlinghurst, that a strange and fateful happening occurred.
I had gone downstairs to make breakfast and witnessed a ball of fluff bolt like lightning across the kitchen and out the back door. I chased after it, hoping it wasn’t in my head. Like out of a scene from lion king (where Simba thought he saw his Dad). It ran away, but I decided it was too dark to be Tibbles (and was probably actually the other, less popular cat).
That little experience had catapulted Tibbles back to the forefront of my mind..
That day I went out for a farewell lunch with one of my housemates, who then attended a retro furniture store with me (where I purchased the quirky, insanely comfortable and shamefully expensive desk chair that currently seats me). Alas, on our return home I decided we should take a detour through the back streets. On our travels, just around the corner from home we encountered a gorgeous, somewhat proudly fat cat lounging on a driveway. We pet it and decided it was a she and that she must be pregnant.
“I think it’s Tibbles” my housemate proclaimed (had he cracked the case?).
“Poppycock!” I was horrified – Tibbles is a boy and so much smaller and much too innocent to have had sex and be at this advanced stage in life. Although it had been 3 months…
I took some pics (see exhibit B). At home I analysed said photos, looking intently for any evidence that this could be long lost Tibbles.

EXHIBIT B: New pregnant cat v Tibbles
And there it was, identical markings on the head – I couldn’t believe mine eyes. Everything made sense all of a sudden: Tibbles had been too pregnant to climb our fence!
I ran out the door and back to the driveway around the corner – Tibbles saw me and came rushing down the steps. I will never forget that moment, it was so sweet. I sat there with her and thanked her for our good times – I also apologised for thinking she was a boy this entire time – and went home.
I’m now living in my own studio and that was the last I saw of Tibbles. I often think of how she is doing with her little kitten/s. She would be a great Mum.
And that, my friends, is the tale of Tibbles. Have you ever loved an animal or pet that didn’t belong to you? Tell your story in the comments.
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My neighbor had two lovely cats, Grace and Alexander. Both were classics, Grace of the black panther persuasion while Alexander was a white and ginger long-hair. I had three cats at that time. Living in Mountain View, California, I kept the patio sliding door propped open for the cats to enter and leave. It wasn’t long before Alexander had teamed up with my long-haired black cat, Sam. They became playing, hunting, eating and sleeping buddies. I’d settle onto my back on the sofa and here would come Alexander and Sam to stretch out on my abdomen and chest for a nap. They were so great together. The neighbor eventually became jealous that Alexander enjoyed our house. She accused us of stealing her cat. Then, to retaliate, she locked one of our cats into her bedroom and pretended she didn’t know she was in there. Fortunately, she moved away a few months later; unfortunately, she took sweet, loving Alexander with her. Cheers
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I had dog sat my friend’s border collie a few weeks here and there. I loved him and wished he was mine! About a year after owning him, their 4 yo boy was not understanding how to treat a dog and Oreo bit him. Oreo had to go…. to my house! Whooop! ? She offered him to us or it was back to the kennel. He had never bit anyone while living with us (6 yrs) and is a total cuddle lover ?
Awwwww lucky he went to you.
sweet story <3
Thank you ^^
There is a neighbor dog who is really cool. He’s not mine, but we’re friends. He’ll moan and complain when I don’t take him with me to the dumpsters.
XD. Sounds like he likes you. 🙂
Yeah, he thinks I’m cool. He’ll come up to greet me when I get out of my car, if he’s out. He’s quite the sight, 120 pounds of lab/shar pei mix running at me.
Awwww. Hopefully he doesn’t jump on you considering the size haha. My sister’s Labrador always jumps on people. ?
What a beautiful story……….bless!