Hi everyone,
It’s Nubia here today! 😀 I’ve managed to sneak a box of wonderful new treats past my brother and got to trial them completely uninterrupted for a change meowharharhar.
Some of them are even super healthy! I wonder if they count as one of my five a day? 😮
Nubia: Look! A little basket with strawberries and a sardine tin. I wonder which one tastes nicer. :O
Nubia: The sardines… smell very nice!
Nubia: But so do the strawberries! *sniff sniff*
Nubia: Where to start! I guess I’ll just look cute for now. 😀
Nubia: Oh such a difficult choice… Sardines…
Nubia: Or strawberries?!?
Nubia: Will you help me choose? 😀 And aren’t they cute in this little basket?
Nubia: Vitamin C it shall be! 😀
Nubia: Seek and destroy!!!!
Nubia: What? Where have the strawberries gone!
Nubia: THERE IT IS! *gnaws*
*Many hours of fun late*
Nubia: My god I am so exhausted now… 😮 But before I go for my royal nap I should tell you more about where these came from!
These toys are all part of the new cat toy range from The Artisan Pet Deli. I’ve prepared a gallery for you below showing you all the different options and prices for them!

Well I hope you enjoyed my review! And don’t forget to sign-up to our Newsletter. 😀
Signed by,
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Destroyer of Peace
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Thank you ^^
Odd combination; sardines or strawberries. Cats, how we love them!
Haha 😉
i’m purrrdee darrnd shurr ours would glom awntoo the sardeeneez!
Hehe. The sardines are strong 😉
Nubia, you are soooo Cute!!!!!!
Thanks 😀
That little sardine pillow is adorable–I want one for me! 😀
You should convince your human to get one!
Nubia, you’re the Queen of Beauty <3
About the Artisan Pet Deli: I don't have dogs but I want the "Best of British Gourmet Hamper" 😀
😀 Awww thank you
so sweet. love the strawberry ones. eating some now. LOL. meow.
We had some yesterday as well. ^^
Those are so cute.
Thanks 😀
So cute
Thanks ^^
I love them all but perhaps especially the olives. 🙂
I’ll have to try the olives one day!
Nubia is beautiful (and love the “destroyer of peace” part 🙂 ). Excellent photography – black cats can be so hard to adequately capture … but you couldn’t tell with your wonderful photography. http://mommakatandherbearcat.blogspot.com
Awwww thank you :-). And if you’d ever like to guest post just let us know. ^^
what a beautiful cat lol… nice pose, very cute… i have a ablog about herbal, if u like, u can visit obat penambah nafsu makan anak