Hi everyone,
It’s Oliver here today.
We all know how obsessed our humans can get with the whole cleaning regime! But they do seem to forget that WE are the cleaning experts. 😀
Oliver: So why they wouldn’t ask us for advice before their ventures in household cleaning only they know!
Nubia: I’m much more efficient at cleaning than yourself Mr Oli. 😮
Oliver: Anyhow… Let’s move on to the cleaning tips and tricks for humans!
Tip 1: Prevention!
Make sure your home is cat friendly to begin with. To avoid us kitties using alternative locations as litter boxes it’s best to clean the litterbox regularly and to have 1 extra box per cat. Meaning 2 cats you should have at least wo but ideally three litter boxes.
Tip 2: Keeping that box smell free!
You know we’ve got a sensitive nose right? Make sure you wash out our litter box tray to remove that nasty urine smell will you? 🙁 And of course remember… don’t use stuff that’s harmful for us in the cleaning process!
Disinfectants can be harmful to cats and so should be used sensibly and only when necessary. Many household disinfectants, such as antibacterial sprays and some patio cleaners, contain a compound called benzalkonium chloride which is a cationic detergent. Cationic detergents are irritant and can cause adverse effects in cats that have licked or walked over treated surfaces and then groomed or cleaned their paws and ingested the chemical. These effects are often delayed by several hours and typically include drooling, a red and inflamed tongue and a high temperature (figures 1 and 2). The mouth may be painful and cats can stop eating. There may also be redness and irritation of the skin. Source
Tip 3: So an accident happened and you need to get rid of pet smells?
We’ve all seen it happen someone like my sister Nubia vomited up a furball or worse after an overdose of kitten grass and now the carpet is stained and smells! 😮
It’s once again important to use a cleaner that is SAFE to be used with us cats and small children around. It may also be a good idea to put something above the spot on the carpet that you had to treat. Maybe an upside down carrier crate with holes to let it dry and to stop us from tipping it over just but something heavy on top ot the box D:
Tip 4: Keep it natural where possible!
Ever heard of vinegar? Yes? Good! Because it’s brilliant at cleaning things like the above mentioned litter box without the use of nasty chemicals. 😀
Tip 5: You clean your own bed so what about ours???
Did you know that most humans only change their bed about ever 14 days? It’s actually recommended to do this once a week… On the other hand many totally forget that our beds collect dust, dirt, skin and hair as well. 🙁 Remind your humans to wash your blankets and beds just as regularly!
Tip 6: Don’t wash us but brush us!
Right by now you SHOULD already know how much we dislike water (with a few exceptions) otherwise you need to go back to cat companion school. 😉
You should brush us often though to remove loose hair and reduce the risk of hairballs. (They are worse for us than your carpet!!! Not a nice feeling!!!!)
Tip 7: The carpets and floor – too much hair.
Right so you want to clean the carpet of our hair? Make sure you get a QUIET animal vacuum cleaner. No not to suck us up… but these special animal cleaners usually come with more appropriate filters to not get blocked up by our hair. 😀
And of course as mentioned make sure it’s quiet… wouldn’t want to give us an heart attack would you!
For more great tips check out this guide and if you happen to also have dogs when this cleaning guide will be even more helpful.
This post is brought to you in collaboration with The Cleaning Wizard. Visit their website to find out more about household cleaning advice.
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Signed by,
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubia the Disturber of Peace
Visit our Shop for top-quality cat toys and cat lover products!
Reblogged this on kat says and commented:
Great info for the cat lovers!
Thank you 😀
My little Teemu absolutely melts when I brush him. Quite a feat for a proud little Tuxedo like him, but he just loves it. And he does look quite handsome afterwards. Thanks for the tips, Meowjesty King and Queen.
Nubia is the one that loves brushing. Oliver only lets it happen because he knows that there will be treats lol
wonderful photographs and gif! Lovd them but I love your cats 🙂 My Princess doesn’t let me to do anything, she cleans herself… but I try to clean her ears sometimes, she hates!!!! Thank you, Blessing and Happiness to you ALL, Love, nia
Awww thank you! And yes cleaning ears is difficult. Maybe we should do a story on that for tips and advice. 😀
yes…. 🙂 You are welcome, have a nice day, Love, nia
Great post; thanks for all the good tips
You are welcome 🙂 and thank you ^^
Useful info and great post thank you-I love how cats do the toe-spready chewy thing!
Thank you 😀
Super post!
Thanks for the great tips.
I love being brushed but I had to get used to it…
Noodle and crew
Hehe. Oliver was the same. 🙂
love the black kitty the most.
Awwww thank you 🙂 that’s Nubia aka the disturber of peace (very noisy lol)
Thanks Marc!
Glad you found this useful 🙂
very beneficial to cat lovers, thanks for sharing. Learnt a lot
Thanks 🙂
Reblogged this on Rattiesforeverworldpresscom.
Thank you ^^
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Thank you 😀
Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
Great Ideas thanks..
Thanks ^^
Awe fully fussy cats considering they go out of their way to throw up on the carpet! And I understood the eating of grass was specifically to settle their tummies? Anyone?
The grass can cause then to throw up the hair suck in their tummies. Which is actually a good thing. Tho not for the carpet LOL
I care for and LOVE 12 special cats. We just experienced a loss of one of our precious babies, and I have noticed that the cleaning I normally do, brings great anxiety to my fur babies. So, I have not vacuumed as I normally do and I have held off on the shampooing of the rugs. And you know what? Even though the house is dirtier then I would like it to be, my babies are telling me the fur on the rugs and the dirty floors as well, are bringing them comfort. Smells. It’s all about smells. 🙂 <3 [And the amazing thing about all this, my house does not smell dirty.]
My two don’t appreciate loud vacuum cleaners either xD