Hi everyone,
Today’s Guest post comes from “completing my bucket list” and is taking a look at another wonderful cat cafe! As some of you may know my partner is Scottish so we have now added this to our must see list! 😀
For someone who’s allergic to cats, this might seem like a weird one. But they’re just so cute! When I heard a cat cafe was opening up in my town I had to get a reservation for opening day. The Cat in the Window Cafe opened on February 13th 2016. The idea behind it is go enjoy a cake and a cuppa whilst hanging out with the cutest cats!
You book your one hour time slot on the website and head along (after taking some anti histamines if you need them). A maximum of 20 people can be in the cafe at a time which is great for the cats to not be crowded, and so you get some quality time with them.
The food was great too. David went for the Oreo Brownie and I went for the carrot cake. Turns out it was vegan and gluten free so it can’t be bad for you right?! The food isn’t made on the premises so don’t worry about cat hair in it
How cute is that face?!! This is Pancakes
The food is served up in super cute cat themed cups, milk pourer and cup toppers to stop the cats getting in your cuppa. Check the wee guy eyeing up my cake?
I didn’t know what to expect from a cat cafe, but it was very clean, really relaxed, the cakes were amazing, the cats were gorgeous and I’ll definitely be back. Best of luck to this amazing new business in Aberdeen.
We hope you enjoyed their post and don’t forget to check out their Blog!
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How many cats? Do they have hideaways? How are they chosen? Do they come from a shelter and are up for adoption? So many questions …
A lot those are answered here 😉 http://www.thecatinthewindowcafe.com/#!meet-our-kitties/mss8h
8 cats, loads of “vertical space” to allow for them to re-treat. Limit of visitors to ensure cat welfare.
There are unfortunately not many cat cafes in the UK that allow adoption of cats. The only one I know of atm is the Nottingham cat cafe which I am due to write about soon! 🙂
Thank you. 8 cats – that is ok. They have just closed down one in Japan, too many cats, not enough space for the cats to retreat to – so I wondered how this one fared.
Ah even Japan has got some bad cafe places… I’m still debating if I should or should not write about one that was awful… Too heart breaking it was! 🙁
Sounds like I should tell them about the other awful one I went to. Cats were not looked after well at all. Totally overfed. Sick in some cases. And worst of all one of them tried to tear of its collar which wasn’t a break away one… So you can imagine what it did without me needing to drag out the photos :”(
I’m glad that most cafes I’ve been to care for the cats in the right away. ?
Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
such beautiful Kitties
Thanks ^^
Ah so lovely to see the pics about what you were telling me about in my Blogging a -z challenge with my cat Tatiana– thanks for sharing 🙂
This is a great idea. My son and his friends visited a cat cafe in Brisbane just a few weeks back, he loves it there:)
Oh! I didn’t know there was one in Brisbane :o. Maybe you guys could do a guest post on it? 😀
Hi Marc-Andre I reblogged my cat post on suzannebowditch.wordpress.com 🙂
Do they accept resident people? I wouldn’t mind moving there… How cuddly!
LOL. If only. 🙂
Oh my what a wonderful idea those owners had. And I bet their business is booming with cat lovers. Just love it.
Hehe. I love well looked after cat cafes 🙂
I’ll visit when I’m in Aberdeen.
You should! And if you do you could do a follow up post on this story? 🙂
Sure will, though it may not be for a while.
Good things take time (or something like that! 😉 )
you are killing me with cuteness! keep it up! meow . . . .
I love it! Is this UK or where? I don’t think it would be allowed by health laws here in USA. 🙁 Usually, only service animals are allowed. There are a few pet-friendly restaurants that allow dogs on patio or sidewalk seating. We take our dog on a leash to Mellow Mushroom and Five Guys and we saw another person with a dog at Panera Bread. Sometimes laws protect all the fun out of life. I don’t mind eating a little cat hair. It’s protein. LOL
This is in the UK, however you do have cat cafes in the US. We’ve written about one in Seattle and one in New York. 🙂
Where about are you based? ^^
Nashville TN. After I commented, it occurred to me to Google. I stand happily corrected. There are a few in CA and one in NJ that I found. There was talk of opening one here, but it has not happened. It seems most of them in US are geared toward facilitating adoption – a good thing as we have an overpopulation problem. I will look up your back articles. Thanks for the good news! 🙂
There are two in the New York area 😀 I’m due to visit both of those. 🙂
If you happen to go to any or any cat themed events I’d be happy to feature guest posts btw. 😀
Reblogged this on Rattiesforeverworldpresscom.
Thank you ^^
Who would have known about this novel, splendid idea until now? Thank you for posting this intriguing cafe,
You are welcome 🙂 glad you enjoyed it ^^
Pingback: Cat Travel: The Cat in the Window Cafe – Aberdeen Cat Cafe – Rattiesforeverworldpresscom
Great idea. I wonder where in California the Cat Cafes are? I am between LA and Santa Barbara, near the beach. Thanks.
There is one planned in LA: https://m.facebook.com/LACatfe/
Thanks. 🙂
Second link for the planned LA one: http://www.catfela.com/phone/index.html
Appreciate the info. 🙂
You are welcome ^^ and if you go to one of these maybe you could do a guest post? 😀
Love to.
And one a bit further away in San Diego? http://www.catcafesd.com
And the last one I found is in San Fran: http://www.kitteasf.com ?
Another excuse to visit Scotland! (as If i needed it, love it there). It looks like they’ve done it just right.
We should organise a great tour of Scottish cat cafes. There is another one in Edinburgh ^^
That looks like a nice place to visit.
Yeah! I want to go myself now 🙂
This reminds me of the cafes in Tokyo, Japan. I LOVE the concept!
🙂 that’s what they are all based on
Figured! 🙂