Have you heard of Munchkin cats? They’re a breed of cat that has very short legs. They put me in mind of sausage dogs except that, well, they’re cats.
When I saw a hyper Lola crouched like this on the mat by the front door, I immediately thought she looked like a Munchkin. With her legs all tucked up they look like they are shorter than they should be for her body. Somehow she looks both adorable and ridiculous!
I’m not sure what it is about that mat, but she really seems to love playing with it. I’ve written before about how she loves to roll herself up in it, or scratch at it, or just generally ruffle it up and make a nuisance of herself.
I’ve also written before about how interesting it is to see how different the cats look when they are laying (or sitting, or standing) in different positions. I stand by that statement. I’ve never seen Lola’s legs look as short as they do here!
Lady Joyful
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Get this “I have short legs” from my two often …
It’s quite amusing, isn’t it? 🙂 Thanks for commenting!
Pingback: What a Munchkin! – Engineer Marine Skipper
My Tats is a Bengal but she is also a munchkin with short legs and a fat body hahaha
Ah, Bengals are pretty awesome. I’d love to have one 🙂 Thanks for commenting!
My one cat is a Snow Shoe. Just the sweetest little kitty and 16 years old. 🙂 BABY IS a spoiled black cat.
Sounds like a sweetie! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Our Kosmo has also “short legs” position and “no legs at all”. He looks like a chicken on the eggs, funny looking.
Oh yes, the chicken position! Very amusing 😀 Thanks for commenting.
She looks so adorable. I want to rub her and snuggle into her.
She is quite a sweetheart when she wants to be. And does occasionally know how to be cuddly..! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Oh you don’t have to thank me. I love reading you.
Lady Joyful: I love the post and the breed is adorable. Do the short legs cause of make the breed susceptible to any health issues? That would be my only concern. I did not see anything about any problems in the blog post.
Not having owned a munchkin I can’t say for sure, but from what I remember of what I’ve read about them there can be some associated issues. I’ve never actually owned any purebreed cats – all mine are(/have been) moggies 🙂 Thanks for commenting, and for raising an interesting question.
I’ve seen quite a few of these in Japan and the only issue I’ve noticed is that they sometimes “seem to forget” that their legs are short and they will give you the whole “BUT I CAUGHT THAT TOY!!!!!” look. 😮
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Those are some awesome tiny legs!
have a great weekend…
Noodle and crew
Thanks, you too! 🙂
Never heard of Munchkin cats before. They sure are beauties and cuties.
I have heard of them, but never seen one. Very cute.
I’ve wanted a bambino for the longest. Munchkins are cute 🙂