Hi everyone,
Please find below some useful information on parastites and tips on how to prevent these from causing an issue for your cat!
9 Parasites Your Cat is Susceptible To
Cats are independent animals that like to get into scrapes, mark their territory and explore their environment. As a popular family pet, cats are also loving companions to millions of people, but their natural desire for independence leaves them susceptible to a range of parasites. By being vigilant and spotting the signs of a parasite infection early, you can get the veterinary care needed before things become serious.
The best way to treat these parasitic infections is through the use of preventative medications prescribed by your vet – who will be looking for one of nine parasites your cat is susceptible to:
1. Roundworm
White worms with cylindrical bodies, roundworms live in the small intestine of cats and feed on the contents of the gut. Cats can become infected from their mother’s milk or by ingesting infected eggs. Cats are particularly susceptible to this parasite due to their primal need to hunt, as rodents and birds also act as hosts. Symptoms of roundworm include diarrhoea, stunted growth, a deteriorating coat and a pot belly. Roundworm is also a potential risk to people if they swallow the eggs.
2. Tapeworm
Tapeworms are long and flat, and their bodies are divided into segments. An adult tapeworm lives in the small intestine of a cat, and it releases its eggs through detached segments of its body. Cats can get a tapeworm after hunting for example by eating infected mice. However, cats can also easily contract tapeworm when they ingest fleas during the grooming process. The symptoms to look out for include diarrhoea and vomiting, and some cats will experience irritation around the anus.
3. Hookworm
Hookworms can grow up to 16mm in length, and they live in the gut of cats. However, infections in cats are extremely rare in the UK. Hookworm can be contracted through the ingestion of larvae, which can be found in the faeces of dogs and foxes, as well as in small mammals such as mice. Among the symptoms of a hookworm infection are diarrhoea, anaemia and lethargy.
4. Heartworm
Heartworms live in the heart and pulmonary arteries of cats, and they are characterised by their white, thread-like appearance. Although heartworms are not present in the UK or Ireland, they can be picked up during travel abroad. Heartworm is transmitted by mosquito bites, and the symptoms include breathing difficulties, heart failure, high blood pressure and lethargy. In some rare cases a heartworm infection can lead to the death of a cat.
5. Fleas
Fleas are wingless insects that grow to about one eighth of an inch in length. They have very large back legs that allow them to jump huge distances, relative to their body size. Fleas feed on the blood of cats, and they can be transferred from other animals and the environment in general. Fleas can cause allergic reactions and transmit bacteria and viruses.
6. Ticks
Ticks are small insect-like creatures – but with eight legs rather than six. Generally found in rural areas, ticks lie in wait of animals in deep vegetation. Ticks can pierce the skin of a cat and feed on blood, which can cause reactions around the site of attachment. In kittens, ticks have the potential to cause anaemia and death from blood loss. But perhaps the most prevalent threat related to tick bites is the spread of diseases such as babesiosis and lyme disease.
7. Ear Mites
Ear mites are tiny creatures with eight legs, and they thrive on the surface of the skin in the outer ear canal. Ear mites are transferred between cats through direct contact, and they can cause significant irritation if not treated.
8. Demodex
This mite is rare but can affect cats. Some cats will show no signs of skin disease when infected with the demodex mite, but if a cat becomes unwell they can sometimes experience a particularly large infestation which can lead to hair loss and severely inflamed patches of skin.
9. Notoedres Mange Mite
The notoedres mange mite is highly contagious, and it has the potential to spread to humans. An infection is sometimes referred to as ‘mange’ or scabies. Spread through direct contact, these mites can cause inflammation of the skin, redness and severe itchiness. It may cause wrinkling or scaling of your cat’s skin. If left untreated, the notoedres mange mite can cause hair loss, skin disease and a range of bacterial infections.
The best way to treat these parasitic infections is through the use of preventative medications prescribed by your vet. But it is not always easy to manage these treatments when you’re juggling the demands of work and family life. The Bayer Pet Life app was developed to make your life as a cat owner easier. It allows you to store important health information about your cat, details of your local veterinary practice and vital healthcare appointments in one place. You will be reminded of treatment appointments for your cat through on-screen notifications. Check out itsajungle.co.uk/app for more information.
Disclaimer: This post is brought to you by Bayer – “It’s a jungle”. The Pet Life app is part of the “It’s a jungle” programme from Bayer, which aims to help you keep your pet parasite free. For more information, please visit – itsajungle.co.uk
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Very informative! 🙂
Thank you ^^
Reblogged this on rattiesforeverworldpresscom.
Out here in rural western Oregon they can also pick up lungworm.
Oh oh lungworms are very dangerous 🙁
Very interesting article but disgusting! To think I may have worms…oh no I don’t the vet gave me a deworming pill. OK this was very informative and will make sure mom keeps getting the pill for me.
Yep~ sorry for the rather awful bad time story today but we thought this was important info to share. 😡
Not the most pleasant topic but it is important to know. I also think that top photo is beautiful.
Yeah it’s not the nicest of all topics but nonetheless important. And thank you. 😀
My cats don’t have any of these problems. In related news, my cats don’t ever go outside. And yours shouldn’t either.
Mine are both indoors only as well but thought this info is good for those that have outdoor cats. 🙂
A responsible cat owner!!
Thank you ^^
Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
Good Information
Thank you again ^^
Thank you for this information.
You are welcome 🙂
As much as I think the stuff is really almost poisonous, all of my veterinarians have consistently recommended Revolution for Cats to take care of ALL these parasites. You may say: I have no need to worry as my cat is solely an indoor cat. Why should I care? Answering my own question: YOU go outside. Normally you are not out on a hike where ticks are getting all over you and your shoes, but depending on where you are going and where you live, YOU can pick up some of these cat-attacking parasites on your shoes. Always wipes down your shoes with what ever kind of clean wet or dry cloth you wish to use. If you went to an office and then came home, you need not worry much about parasites. I still go with my doctor’s recommendation and I will use Revolution or Advantage Plus or the like on my indoor cat. When the cat is beginning to get very senior and starting to have renal issues (age 12-15), I will them stop using those products. When they are young, they are able to tolerate the treatments monthly. It’s expensive, but it works. Forget about flea collars and baths. They are useless and last a day or two. They are not protecting your cat.
Thank you for the extra info. I’ll have a look if you can get that stuff in the UK 🙂
Wow, I’d never heard of heartworm. Very good and valuable information, thank you.
Unrelated note, those blue eyes in the top picture are so stunning :)!
Thanks ^^ glad it was useful info. 🙂
How apposite this was. It arrived during a stressful week for two of our seven feral semi-feral cats – all due to parasites. I have posted a link to your article on my latest blog on http://www.livinginruralmallorca.com. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing 🙂 and hope it’s all calmed down at yours!
Yes, all back to normal now, thanks. It was very stressful though- especially for Chico, who was born feral so did not appreciate being confined to our guest bathroom for for days!
Oh no. I can imagine. That must have been awful for Chico
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