Guest Post: Why “bother” living with a cat

Hi everyone,

Today’s guest post comes from Amanda Alves:

Why “bother” living with a cat

Sharing your home with a cat is not only about having a furry roommate that purrs and sneaks in your bed at night. They teach us much more than to deal with litter boxes and hair in the couch.


Cats teach us how to deal with rejection. You know that they only come when they want to, even though they know you are calling. They might even look at you to make sure you are aware they chose not to move. Cute bastards.

Cats teach us how to express love. They purr, and when they do it, you wish you could purr back. Remember there are many ways to show your love, so just do it.

Cats teach us to give space on relationships. One belly rub is fine, two is OK, but what’s wrong with you for doing it for the third time? Get a life! Let go as you watch them lick their belly as if your hands were contaminated.

Cats teach us to value small things. Their enjoyment for sun baths, wet cat food and paper balls shows us that happiness is in the details.

Do you think having pets makes you a better person? Comment!


Bio Picture
Amanda writes about practical thoughts for a better life on Honey Tea [].


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58 thoughts on “Guest Post: Why “bother” living with a cat

  1. ??????? ?? ??????? says:

    Hah! Indeed, so true.
    And we women are like cats too.
    Just stare at our husband when we signaled them something and the third time touching we start to growl at them. “yep! get a life!”

  2. Rosie Malezer says:

    The most evil thing they do is when it is freezing cold in winter. You get up to go to the toilet, freezing your butt off (no, not literally!) and when you hurry back to the bedroom to get into the warmth of your bed, they have stretched out every single limb (and tail) and have left no room for you in “their” bed. Evil, I tell you! Gotta love ’em ^_^

  3. bnzoot says:

    Well, Ivan the (recently) Terrible certainly makes me more patient. 😉 Just when I think he is indifferent to me, I wake in the night with him meowing down the hall, having woken up on his chair and wondering where we’ve gone. Then he jumps up on the bed, settles down next to me or at my feet, purring.

    • Marc-André says:

      Indeed! My two are always up to mischief but they what makes the house much more lively. And if i am not feeling well they will be there and watching to make sure I get better. 🙂

  4. sheliamarielehigh says:

    YES ALL ANIMALS TEACH US ALOT ABOUT OURSELVES….my cats have taught me total patience and how to stay calm….my dogs the same..i would be empty without them..

  5. The Canadian Cats says:

    I am still learning from my cats. Not only do I relax when I pet and play with them but they are so trusting and accept me no matter what kind of a day I had. These two also learn from each other and this is fascinating to watch.


  6. Cat says:

    I love this post! And I love my cat! She teaches me patience, and at times I think I exasperate her as we don’t speak quite the same language, and when she has something urgent to tell me, like her biscuit bowl is empty, sometimes I am not quick enough to respond 🙂

  7. loisajay says:

    Purr-fect post! I have three cats so you would think I would be a genius! Sadly, no. My cats look at me in amazement…I still have so much to learn from them. 😀

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