Guest Star: Newt

Hi everyone,

Today’s guest post comes from Newt (the cat) and his human companion Randall.

Meet Newt, he is named after a character in the movie Lonesome Dove played by Ricky Schroder. Our family loves the character and our cat with his hair coloring and situation reminded us how the character was orphaned.
One hot summer day my wife and I arrived at this apartment complex that was part of our route and in horror, one of the buildings was in flames. Between the two big fire trucks and twisted hoses a little kitten emerged that appeared to have come from the fire. He walked up, smelled my out stretched hand and fell over weak with exhaustion. I scooped his limp body off the ground and ask the occupants who this little kitten belongs to.
The last thing we wanted was to take someone’s pet who’s thinking they lost him in the fire. After being told by several people they had never seen the cat before, we took the kitten with us to care for him. Stopping at the corner store we got a cup of water for the little guy and he drank and laid in my wifes arms on the way to what became his new home.
We went back the next day to the other units and knocked on every door and left our phone number in the entrance of each building and we never got a call. Newt had lost his voice for many months, but today he asks us all the time for his nightly can food he can’t do without. Newt’s been a great friend and we love each other to this day.
me and newt

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21 thoughts on “Guest Star: Newt

  1. reocochran says:

    I have read Lonesome Dove snd actually liked both the miniseries and the television show. I learned a lot about the West from paying attention to historical fiction. Newt was really a likable guy/cowboy. The cat looks like he was meant to be yours. I have never owned a cat but I “cat-sit” 2 mischievous cats named, Kira and Tayla. I think someday you might like reading the poem about them. There is also a post about their owners love story. “Love Found in a Video Store.” I have a ton of tags that lead you to different subjects 🙂

  2. mvaden1948 says:

    Newt and you were very lucky. Thanks for sharing your story.
    I once had a cat named Newt. It had more to do with Shakespeare and witches spells than anything. He was a gray tabby. He lived a very long and happy life at my parents home where I was living when I “rescued” him from a pet store and then with them after I moved to my own place. He even survived being hit by a car. After that experience his tail dragged and my dad could always tell which cat had been on his car as the was a long drag line between the foot prints.
    So glad your Newt found a good and loving home like mine did!

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