Oliver: Good place to nap or not? ;o

Meow there friends! I just found a new resting place! The humans chair 😀


But is this actually a good place to sleep? I feel watched… WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE CAMERA!!!! :O

Signed by

His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief


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20 thoughts on “Oliver: Good place to nap or not? ;o

  1. lydiaa1614 says:

    Oliver, I have found a great place is one of the human’s chairs at the back of the table. It has a black cushion on it so it makes me harder to see but I have a great view of the kitchen and outside door so I don’t miss out on treats or chances to go out. The little human next door calls it my hiding chair!
    Love Monkey!

  2. jabrush1213 says:

    I guess that is a good place to nap, on the stairs. There are some odd and weird places that animals like to sleep in, like the closet or a bathtub.

  3. Holly'sMom says:


    Do not worry. I think it is good that your human took your picture in that chair! That means he is going to post that photo for ALL to see. Once that happens everyone will know that is YOUR chair. Therefore, it will always be left empty for you, or quickly vacated when you enter the room. You got up, put on the cute act, and claimed your chair all in one swift, sly move. Excellent!

    Smokey, Elsa, and Teeger (the cats in the home of Holly’s Mom)

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