This cat thought that he got very luck and would have an easy lunch when he found and caught this little chipmunk…
Unfortunately he didn’t calculate in that this chipmunk would be a bit feisty :O But the big question is why did the cameraman not help!
Good luck next time Mr. Cat! 🙁
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Run little chipmunk run! Love that he went back for another go before leaving
To be brutally honest – Mr. Cat did not look undernourished.
LOL! Yep you are right hehe
He should take a tip from Purrbot on how to successfully bring home dinner.
OMC. Good hunter 😮
MOL! ? So funny!! A chipmunk with attitude!! Love it!
Hehe 😀 thanks
Why of course!?
At one time I had a cat who would eat chipmunks like candy. Two bites and gone.
Oh wow! :0
ha ha! chipmunk got away.
Indeed ^^
Can’t help but love the chipmunk! 🙂
Oh how funny!!!! Thank you for the good laugh! Sometimes you just don’t want to be dinner! 😀 😀
Lol yeah. Good on the chippy 😉
And thanks for the reblog ^^
I had to! 😀
Reblogged this on chrllrobb and commented:
This is too funny not to share! Hope you get as good a laugh as I did. 🙂
That is a good question….
Lol 😉
I know it is nature and all that, but I’m glad the spunky little guy got away…
Haha. Yeah me too.
That is a brave chippy.
Indeed but survival is key. 😉
Mr. Cat fell for the old “play dead” routine and then a couple of UFC style punches and Mr. Chipmunk was off to the races…. 🙂
LOL! 🙂
Adopt that little chipmunk and let’s nickname him, ‘Fiesty!’
Haha 🙂
Very funny and cute post. I am happy the chipmunk made a friend instead of BEING lunch! Hilarious to see.
bravo to the chipmunk who was absolutely having none of it 🙂
Hehe 🙂
This is great. Finally got a cat loss on video against a rodent. Cat needs to do basic again.
Haha 🙂
You know the camera crews always say they are unbiased and don’t interfere with the action. Although this was a cute, happy video, there are other videos that I would like to slap the videographer.
Oh yeah tell me about it. Not all videos are “happy” 😡
Pingback: Caturday Blogging: Lunch Fights Back | Anibundel: Pop Culturess
Thanks 😀
We had a cat that would routinely catch baby rabbits, moles, chipmunks and other little furry critters, then let them go and watch them run away, or lie on the ground for a few seconds, stunned by their experience. He was very well-fed, and his previous owner had declawed him 🙁 , so it was a marvel he was able to catch anything at all. But he seemed to do it just for the fun of catching things. It certainly wasn’t fun for the animals he caught and brought home, and not all of them survived their ordeal. But I’m glad the chipmunk got away!
Oh 🙁 I don’t understand why people would declare a poor cat. Glad he still managed to enjoy life!
Thanks ^^
That is so funny ! And I’m glad the little critter got away after getting a few swipes in first.
Everyone made it out ok! 😉 minus the cats confidence in his skills maybe haha