So mirror mirror on the wall who is the prettiest in this photo =D
Is it aunty Any? Or my parents?!?
Of course it’s me and ME alone! No seriously who can resist my cuteness <3?
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Signed by
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
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I’m partial to men in Kilts (?) but the kitty is seriously cute.
Hehe 🙂 thank you
absolutely :o) and you are the centerpiece :o)
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Thank you 😀
You’ve said it, Oliver, and your cuteness is irresistible indeed! 🙂
Hehe ?
You are very handsome! Your like my MK who has a little black under the chin too.
Awwww thank you 🙂
your Oliver is the prettiest, My Oliver is the best looking cat you can ever find.
His little black chin makes it looks like he is about to say something and the eyes say, ‘it’s not going to be nice’…. LOL.
LOL. Photos? They are in the way get them off!!!
But it’s not a fair contest becuz Oliver scores the pink nose!
Haha 🙂 true!
I think you rate an actual framed photo of yourself on display. I print some of my digital cat photos, and have large heavy albums full of cat pictures from the past. People take digital storage for granted, but I am old and I like the old ways. If a giant solar flare blows out the power grid, Pooffff! Your memories are gone. I am also partial to chiseling pictures into boulders for long term storage, but I am not artistic in that manner. At any rate, you deserve a hard copy photograph, and I vote you get one!
Hehe. I have loads of printed photos of Mr Oli and Queen Nubia :). We made a whole photo book actually ^^
Oliver, how vain you are! OK all cats are vain, but you are definitely the vainest of them all!!!
What would happen if Oliver and Nubia were BOTH in the photo? How would we possible be able to decide who is the prettiest? 🙂
That is easy, it would be the cat whose claws are nearest to me.
Lmao! Good answer
Lmao. That would be a tough one haha
Of course it’s you ! You’re a kitty after all ! Purrs
You are one gorgeous cat Oliver 🙂 I think you are the true centerpiece of that shelf.
Oliver is picture perfect!
Thank you <3
Well, of course you’re the cutest, Oliver! Who could think otherwise?!?
Hehe 😉
Oh Oliver! You know it’s got to be you!
You are adorable…
Noodle and crew
Thank you :F
The photos are nice, but you are the cutest of them all 🙂
He says thanks 😀
Hi, Your Meowjesty! I dare say SHE is the pretty one, but you’ve got not only good looks .. but animal magnetism! 😀
Can’t argue with His Meowjesty! 🙂
Haha. Now not a good idea. 🙂
That “I’m so adorable look” works every time ?
Lol sure does. Especially when he wants treats. 🙂
The eyes speak volumes!
Hehe ^^
I will be posting my little furry visitor soon. She is a “green-eyed lady” who pops over to nibble on catnip daily.
Looking forward to that. 🙂
Oliver is a really INTENSE cat. Ms. Cali is too. As I said, its tough to get a shot of the softer side. But, yes, Oliver: You are indeed “the fairest of them all”!
very few can resist “kitty cuteness” 🙂
Especially hard if they beg for treats lol
Oliver – that’s a silly question! Those other creatures are humans. Of course you’re more beautiful.
Haha! 😀