Giveaway – UK: The Purrfect & Pawesome box SECOND 2015 chance

Hello everyone,

We had an unbelievable amount of entries for last week’s competition and our winner for last week is: Heather – please check your inbox as we will need your address. 😉

Please congratulate her and we will let the Purrfect box team know to get this out to you asap!

But don’t worry we have 4 more chances for a fabulous box to go. 🙂

If you don’t know what  the Purrfect box is all about you can find our review of it here!

The rules are simple you need to be located in the UK – the box can only be shipped here partly due to export / import regulations (and it would help to own a cat or dog of course 😉 ). Just pop your email address into our giveaway tool by clicking here and gain entries by doing any of the following (you can complete as many as you like to increase your chances of winning):

1. For Tweeting about the event through the GiveawayTool
2. Sign up for our new newsletter via mail chimp for extra chances. (Bonus chances even if you don’t use Social Media!!!)
3. Follow us or Purrfectbox on Twitter
4. Follow us on Pinterest
5. Follow us on Bloglovin
6. Make a comment stating you would like to enter and your email address on this post (for those that don’t use social media)

Please note that if you have already won in a previous Purrfect box giveaway you can’t re-enter this particular competition but there will be many more on our Blog to enter in 2015! 🙂

We will announce the previous week’s winner in the follow-up post in two weeks and will also send an update email to everyone who took part (You can opt out from this email after receiving the initial follow-up)! So remember to gain as many chances as possible until the 10th of February at 6pm. 😉

And if you would like to we would love to feature your Purrfect box unboxing story on our Blog!

So don’t forget to enter into the giveaway by clicking here and your cats soon will join the many other cats that already enjoy a subscription box:

purrfectbox december

This beautiful cat belongs to Gill – one of our previous winners! 🙂

purrfectbox december 3

As you can see… Very much enjoying the toys! 😀


And of course there is Nubia catvestigating the box


And Oli contemplating what to play with first. 😀

Let me know if you have any questions or comments! 🙂

And if you want to get your hands on a box now don’t forget you can order them on their website by clicking here.




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38 thoughts on “Giveaway – UK: The Purrfect & Pawesome box SECOND 2015 chance

  1. gill says:

    Congrats to the winner (altho there is no name showing 😉 ) hope your cat (s) enjoy it as much as mine did. 🙂

  2. billythetimecat says:

    Mom, I think I’m going to move to the UK, they have pawsome boxes! They have some pawsome stuff in it to play with and the boxes itself… well they look perfectly to sleep in!

  3. Jonathan Hill says:

    Congrats Heather and your lucky feline friend! Thanks for the great competition Katzenworld and Purrfectbox 🙂

  4. Heather Crowe says:

    Eeee! Thank you so much, and thank you everyone for your lovely congratulatory wishes! I have emailed with my details. I can’t wait to see my little babies playing. So excited, Many hugs xox

    • Marc-AndrĂ© says:

      Thank you Gingi! 🙂

      And Yes I wish we could do this for every country but don’t worry we have some other things lined up that will include the rest of the world. 😀

      Oh and I followed you on Twitter and subscribed to your feed. 🙂



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