Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 24)

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another great Tummy Rub Tuesday of 2015! Many many submissions this week and we managed to find room for all of you. 😀

Please find the photos for everyone who entered this week here:


This fluffy friend comes from Jebus Mews and was specially posted for you all! Check out the whole collection here.


This is Rosie who was submitted by Lori! 🙂



Another two great entries from Possumscatthingsgnawingatme!


Slightly on the chubbier side but no less cute! But can you believe the ASPCA thought she was being starved? Read the story here.


Another two special canine guests from Poppypupblog. One of them is on the way of recovery after an accident and you can find the whole story here.


A cute belly from our friends at Curious Red Panda whom you can visit here.

josie and chiAnd meet Josie and Chi a pair you may not have expected to be enjoying their company! Just shows what the world could be like if we too could get over our differences! 😀 Click here to visit their Blog


Another great tummy shot of Diavolo the now permanent companion of Meandering with Misha.


And the last one for today comes from our regular friends over at Cats at the Bar

coon cat

And this beautiful cat has been submitted by FloridaBorne – please visit her own blog and check out some of the amazing poems she writes over at Two on a Rant.

And in case you missed last weeks post click here to see the full list from last week!

Now we need ALL of you! You want to see your cat featured and join our fun blog roll? Follow the steps below. 😀

All you need to do is post a photo or photo story of your furfriend on your own Blog and add your link onto our linky app by clicking here or by leaving a comment with a link back to your post.

Should you not have an own Blog you can even participate by sending us an email with your photo to info@katzenworld.co.uk – just let us know what you would like to have listed as source! 🙂

And to make it fair your cat photos don’t have to be a tummy shot we do understand that not all cats like showing off their belly! So any fun photo story will be fine but tummy ones will be even better 😀

And on next weeks we will be posting photos with links back to all you guys in the weekly Tummy Rub Tuesday post!!!

A big thank you to all participants from all of us here at Katzenworld.

Not on WordPress but would like to follow us? We are on Bloglovin too! 🙂

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56 thoughts on “Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 24)

  1. Carol says:

    Thank you for featuring Ethel on this week’s #TRT!! Hopefully this will put an end to her starvation accusations. Ethel has yet to see this or Eggnog’s original blog post, but I have a feeling she’d be less than pleased with the pictures. She typically only lets our moms photograph her from the most flattering angles. She can be a bit of a diva.

    Anyway, I’m very excited about my blog being included this week! Thank you so much!!

  2. lawjic says:

    I love them all, but when I saw a “Ms. Cali” (next to a dog), even though you don’t see her tummy, it brought tears to my eyes. Yes, they are ALL TOO CUTE FOR WORDS! Great job, Marc, as always!! I know it takes a lot of work, but WE LOVE IT! Here is to Marc and TRT forever. CATS RULE! <3 ~Sheryl

  3. mvaden1948 says:

    Diavolo and I thank you for featuring his picture this week. He spends a lot of time on his back with paws in the air….it’s one of his favorite sleeping positions but he hears me getting the camera and rolling over so I don’t get to catch the really, really cute ones.
    Michelle and Diavolo

  4. Carol says:

    Love this idea for a post. So many lovely tempting tummies. I thought I submitted my painting, but perhaps I didn’t do it properly?
    Here is the short link if it didn’t work the other way. http://wp.me/pThVj-cx
    Thanks for your cat love–

  5. The Canadian Cats says:

    These dudes/dudettes are so relaxed….man how do they do it! I don’t like my tummy rubbed and if anyone tries….they’ll be bleeding as they walk away. Kali loves having her tummy rubbed. The only photos we have of her….she is laying on a white background so the comforter looks like it has eyes but its hard to see Kali….hehehe One day mom will snap her picture in a tummy rubbing pose.


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  8. Pingback: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 25) | Katzenworld

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