Shine on Award! Thank you Dezi :)

Hey  everyone,

We hope you are all having a perfect Thursday!

We recently received the Shine On Award from our friends over at Dezizworld.

The rules of the award are:

  • To mention the blogger that awarded you with it
  • Nominating 15 other Bloggers. 😀 (So who has not yet been awarded this and would like to be listed here! Let us know in the comments.)
  • Tell 7 random facts about yourself

shine-on-award-frum-nylablue-7-14So here are our 7 random facts about us and the cats:

1. Marc was allergic to cats as a child but as you can tell from the blog, not anymore! (Just as well, otherwise Oli and Nubes would have to be shaved every day ;P)

2. This blog was founded by Marc, Yuki and Laura – Two of whom live in London and the third used to live in London but is currently working in a small town in Japan called Matsuyama. Can you guess who is in Japan??? The hint lies in the Cat Cafe Category – can you find the post with the answer?

3. Oliver, Snowball and Mao may not look very different, but they are not related! Even though we do sometimes think that Oli must be a little Snowball clone… Snowball’s craziest adventure was when he wen’t missing… oh boy was everyone scared but the happy ending can be found here.

4. Oliver and Nubia live with their humans Marc & Iain while Snowball and Mao live with their human Yuki and her family! Mao can be super cute when she wants to as seen here! She loves water melon haha.

5. Oliver found the humans at a charity, called Celia Hammond Animal Trust where he immediately laid claim on one of the them! This story here is from when he joined his humans.

6. Nubia, too, came from CHAT, but was super lucky to meet these humans as her previous owners returned her to the charity after less than a week… 🙁 How she joined Oli and the humans can be found here.

7. Mao likes visiting Oliver and Nubia occasionally! Don’t believe us? Well, the story is here in photos, so it must be real!

Thanks a lot for reading and let us know if you would like to be nominated for this award and be listed! We will keep updating the list below, so check back throughout the day!

List of Nominees:

You are first!


Katzenworld Team


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28 thoughts on “Shine on Award! Thank you Dezi :)

    • Marc-André says:

      Awwwww don’t worry Shoko and Kali :). It’s difficult to know who has and hasn’t got it yet ^^ hence why we didn’t know who to nominate in our list either haha

  1. Kitty Cat Chronicles says:

    Concatulations on your award! We enjoyed reading the random facts 🙂 Have a great Thursday!

  2. dezizworld says:

    Pawsum posty. Meez luved hearin’ and learnin’ all ’bout yous all. Meez finks it’s gweat yous can now be wound kittys. Cuz OMC lookit what yous wuld be missin’. 🙂

    Luv ya’


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