Hi everyone,
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the Guinness World Records.
As part of this we have compiled for you a list of some of the amazing cat related records you can find in this latest edition. 😀
Longest jump by a cat
The longest jump by a cat is 182.88 cm (6 ft) and was achieved by Alley on the 27 October 2013. Alley is owned by Samantha Martin, in Austin Texas – USA.
Shortest living domestic cat (height wise)
The shortest cat is Lilieput, a nine-year-old female munchkin cat, who measured 13.34 cm (5.25 in) from the floor to the shoulders on 19 July 2013, and is owned by Christel Young of Napa, California – USA.
Tallest domestic cat
The tallest domestic cat ever was Savannah Islands Trouble, aka “Trouble”, who was 48.3 cm (19 in) tall. He was owned by Debby Maraspini and was measured at the Silver Cats Cat Show, Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada, USA, on the 30 October 2011.
Longest fur on a cat
The longest fur on a cat is 22.87 cm (9.00 in) as measured in Seattle, Washington, USA, on 20 November 2012 and belonged to Colonel Meow. He was owned by Anne Marie Avey.
Thank you very much for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed these fun records as much as we did. Do let us know which one is your personal favorite in the comments. 🙂
And remember the Guinness World Records 2015 edition is out on the 11th September, for more information please visit www.guinnessworldrecords.com (All photos are courtesy of their team!)
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The shortest cat is adorable!
I know! Its soooooo cute. I showed it to Mr Oli (my male cat) and was like LOOK can we adopt a kitten like this as your child? 😉 He didn’t exactly give me the look of “ok go on” lol
Haha doesn’t want anyone stealing his thunder now does he!
Haha exactly
How did you train?
Ah it’s not our cat =o. It’s from the world record book. But a very good question how they trained her to jump that far!
Of course 😀 I am marveled
What interesting records! Just love the photos and can’t decide which one I like best! Thanks for sharing these.
Thank you 🙂 so glad you enjoyed them ^^
Love this…the jumping cat looks like my beloved Christeve:)
Thank you 😀
Loving that dwarf munchkin. How cute.
I know I would love to adopt one like that. I’m sure Oli and Nubes would get jealous tho lol
I wonder what Easy would say when he had the chance to meet a cat like Trouble… think he probably would run away :o)
Haha xD
Thanks for the post! Really enjoyed it… 😀
Thank you 🙂
Very interesting information and photos. All the cats are cute.
Thank you 🙂
That tall cat is amazing…
I know it looks so magnificent :F
Wow! Of course, I am in love with the jumping and flying CALICO CATS!!! :-)) Love then all!~
Haha thank you. 🙂
My girlfriend and I love Colonel Meow. He had a lot of personality, and he died much too young 🙁
I know. :(. I loved him very much too! One of the inspirations to start an online presence for my two haha
Thanks Marc, cool photos and great records…of course the tallest cat is my fav 😀
Haha :). I like the lil munchkin!
We’re very impressed by Trouble ! Purrs
Thank you 😀
Some amazing cats!
Thank you 🙂
That tallest cat was HUGE. Wouldn’t wanna get on his bad side, at all.
Haha! That is very true 😀
SO COOL! That Lilliput is so adorable! She was our favorite 🙂 Who are we kidding… they are all cool! Perhaps we need to try to set some world records…
Maybe we should work together for a fun cat blog record 😀 Must research if there is something we could do as a community. Maybe most cat bloggers to meet in real life? XD
I love this!! PURRfect!?
Thank you ^^
You’re welcome, furiend!?
This was fun. Thanks for sharing the amazing world records of cats!
Thank you 🙂
I’m a sucker for big cats! The tall one wins my vote!!
🙂 I like that one too ^^
Wow! It’s incredible how tall “Trouble” was!!!
I know! Just slightly scary when you’d be close up tho 😉
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zahme Tiger…
I would love to have that tallest cat. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing this fun post!
I know right ? Such a huge majestic cat! My fav one tho is the tiny lil cat 🙂
Amazing! Roll around on the floor and giggle at the Persian – the Munchkin is a doll, but that Savannah is out of this world. . . gorgeous! They are all gorgeous!
Thank you :). So glad you enjoyed the post 😀
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They are all beauties!