Is there an age or year of your life you would re-live?
I think most humans would choose one of their much younger years in response to this question, when the world was a nicer place (their perception, at least) and concerns about money or health were non-existent. However, Louis Catorze would definitely choose the late spring/early summer of 2021.
Things were already pretty cushy for the little sod – after all, he lives in a fine Château with two pathetic humans who do everything for him. As the only animal in the household, and with no kids with whom he has share our attention, it’s all about him. However, this period of time was when everything good in his life just seemed to come together.
During the warmer months Catorze’s skin problems are virtually non-existent so, in May, his best run of peak health was only just beginning. He was also enjoying hanging out with fellow Chat Noir Donnie who, regretfully, has since moved away, and Catorze’s friend zone has been somewhat sparsely-populated* since.
*completely empty
In May 2021 we had also come to the end of the little sod’s arduous new food trialling, following the discontinuation of Lily’s Kitchen Fabulous Fish. And, after rigorous testing, we established that the only food he would eat was Orijen Six Fish. So, unless the Orijen factory disappears into a sinkhole, there will be no more stressful food trialling, and Catorze is guaranteed the most expensive cat food on the planet, as long as he lives, because we now have a regular subscription.
Spring/summer 2021 was also part of that brief golden window after Cat Daddy retired – and therefore they were spending more time together – but before he took up the accursed guitar. Catorze loathes the guitar beyond belief and, unfortunately for him, it’s here to stay, because Cat Daddy loves it. Maybe, one day, his practice sessions will look like this? Until then, Le Roi takes his leave when the guitar appears, but luckily he’s not short of places to go, both in and out of Le Château.
Here he is, enjoying his favourite one:

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