Many cat-owners may be unaware of the fact that their feline friend is making their hay fever worse by trailing pollen around the house. However, there are some practical things you can do to help. Airborne allergens expert, Max Wiseberg gives his top tips…
“When your cat is outdoors their thick fur can easily collect lots of pollen. So when they return home, they bring this pollen with them where it gets on to furniture, clothing, carpets and bedding. And in no time your home will be covered in pollen, triggering unpleasant hayfever symptoms.”
“Hay fever is a result of our immune system’s overreaction to innocuous particles such as pollen,” explains Max. “The body’s reaction to pollen is to produce histamines. Normal amounts of histamines in your brain are good – they keep us alert, attentive and awake. But, when there are too many in the body, they produce symptoms including sneezing, a runny nose, itchy and watery or streaming eyes, nasal congestion and a general stuffed up feeling in the nose and throat.”
“Some people also experience itching around the face and mouth,” says Max, “including an itchy mouth, itchy roof of mouth, and a burning sensation in the throat. Headaches and wheezing can also occur.”
“Avoiding the allergen is always key with any allergy, whatever it might be. So here is a selection of practical tips for cat owners.”
“Keep cats off sofas and beds, and out of the bedroom altogether if possible, as their fur collects pollen and transfers it from room to room.”
“Ensure that your cat is well groomed and shampooed as much as possible to remove pollen particles. This will also remove pet allergens. Ensure you brush your cat outside or get someone else to brush them. You could also use a damp cloth whilst grooming to help collect more pollen.”
“Use HayMax allergen barrier balm. The organic drug-free balm can be applied to the nostrils and around the bones of the eyes in the morning, throughout the day and at night to trap dust and pet allergens and more than a third of pollen before it enters the body[1].”
“Vacuum and damp dust your home regularly, especially beds and fabrics to remove pollen; damp dusting helps prevent pollen particles being redistributed into the air.”
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