Tripod Goes to Church
Tripod is an amputee,
who lives behind our church.
He greets us as we come and go
and doesn’t ask for much.
No one seems to know exactly
why he is disabled,
but he doesn’t let it slow him down;
his speed is the stuff of fables.
Lately as the service ends
and the doors are opened wide
he strolls into the narthex
then runs all the way inside.
He takes a seat down at the front
and stares up at the altar.
Through closing words and closing hymn
his attention doesn’t falter.
He’s always there on Sunday.
He seems the most devout.
While sitting at the altar
no one wants to toss him out.
He’s really quite a charmer.
Folks are bringing him cat food.
The choir sings as he’s walking out,
God Will Take Care of You
So what happened to Tripod? He very abruptly stopped showing up at church and, as with any member who has been faithful and stops coming to services, the congregation was worried about him. Our minister, maybe going a bit above and beyond his duties, tried to find out the fate of our faithful cat.
It seems Tripod DID actually have a family that lived down the road and behind our church. The family relocated and, thankfully, took Tripod with them.
Putting an end to speculation about the fate of Tripod, our minister announced, “We can assume he’s going to another church.”

Really love this so refreshing.xx???
Beautiful with happy ending, too!
What a sweet poem about this charming fur baby. I feared the worst but happy that Tripod is okay. Maybe he’s attending another church?