Why do Cats Roll Over and Show Their Tummies yet Scratch When it is Tickled?

This article first appeared on iCatCare here.

This may seem like a case of mixed messages but it’s us that get it wrong!

When a cat greets its human companion it makes a display of trust by exposing its belly. A similar friendly ‘roll’ is often seen when one cat solicits play from another. When a cat does it to us it may be illustrating one of two things; either it is a sign of trust and any physical contact at this time could look threatening or it is a request for a rough and tumble – either way, injury will ensue so the temptation to touch should probably be avoided!

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1 thoughts on “Why do Cats Roll Over and Show Their Tummies yet Scratch When it is Tickled?

  1. Jen says:

    I think it helps to understand that cats are not dogs. Some cats will eventually let you touch their belly. Mine will let me know if she wants a belly rub if she lies with her belly facing away from me. However if she’s just showing her trust her belly is usually facing toward me

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