Purrsday Poetry: Quechee – by Flavia Rocha Loures

Hi everyone,

Today’s Purrsday Poetry post comes from Flavia Rocha Loures.

Quechee / by Flavia Rocha Loures

Wild Child
in shambles you came to me
bleeding, small and thin
imperfectly mended
looking so fragile

Wonder Cat-Thunder
little did I know of your strength
bravery, passion for life
even as you struggled
with the burdens of

Witty Kitty
I could see how much you missed it
the freedom of the streets, you
were born to explore, now
you’re the master of
our yard

My Quechee
long it took you to open up, to feel
safe and loved, understand
our bond, see that you
had found a forever-

…through it all, somehow
you’ve always known
the way home…

flavia cat
To visit the author’s Blog please click here.

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