Purrsday Poetry: Words of the Mews on Hoomans

“I catagorically defend the Mews,

Who, with the wisdom of the changeful moon,

Regards all hoomans, every goofy goon,

To be a subject we can all purruse.

Consider which of us can well refuse

Their charming playful gestures, each a boon

That keeps our whiskers twitching, afternoon

Through midnight, even when we swirl and snooze.

Our purrfect feline poets all regard

The hoomans, hideous as their hind paws are,

To be amusing creatures, rather cute,

Though training them, indeed, is rather hard.

It’s best to just enjoy them, near or far,

Composing odes: our scholarly purrsuit.”

Author notes

I’m afraid this one must have been scribbled on those sheets of scratched paper by Puss. N. Bootsky, as it doesn’t seem to be characterized by Poet Purrfessor Langston Mughes’ purrticularly individual eloquence. Again, as my now wing-ed Mews, speaking from the rainbow road, Blaze Achew Panda-monium taught me long ago, an attempt has been made to use the Standard North
American Feline Purrnunciation, with the appurrropurriate spelling.

The sonnet is, of course, Purrtrarchan as opposed to Shakespurrian.

The photo is from Pinterest.

© 2020 Anissa Nedzel Gage, All rights reserved


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