Mew Year has begun!

It’s now 2019! Catmas came and went then the Mew Year did!

Human is back at work, it’s unfortunate really but someone has to make money for my treats and food!

In the mean time who knows what the Mew Year will bring! My human is in the process of getting a new bed as I made her accidentally break her old one while she tried to take me to the vets!

So, that’s a definite for the new year! Boy, I hope it’s a leather bed so I can sink my lovely claws into it again!

It’s been furry cold lately! That cold I’ve not ventured out too much into my cation (run). I cannot get my floofy coat all cold!

Human says I’m spoilt, can you believe she has the nerve to say that! I’m the man of the house! This is my castle and my humans are my staff!

Surly they know this!! I put my paws up while my staff work!

The staff are considering that I go on a diet again as they have found another food brand that may help! I doubt it’ll work! I’m fussy and I’m hard to please.

Human has to be pleased that her Catmas tree wasn’t destroyed this year.   It’s the only tree that’s not been destroyed. There’s always next Catmas!

Humans currently put on my favourite channel! Since the Mew Year they have been putting on the Birb ? Channel and it’s super fun!

I watch it for awhile and try and attack the TV. Humans find the whole process rather amusing!

I hope every fur has a pawsome rest of the year. Remember nothing is impossible and always keep your head held high.

Sending hugs to everyfur.

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