Mimis Daughters Chocolate Condo Cat Cave Bed review
by Anita Kelsey – London cat behaviourist
As tested by cat Missy
I came across these adorable cat caves at the November 2018 GFFC Supreme Cat Show at the NEC, Birmingham and fell in love with them. Mimi’s Daughters was founded in 2015 by Tiffany Lowes who had a passion for nature, design and pets. Having come from a textiles background it was always a desire of Tiffany’s to create and bring vibrant colours into the home. What followed was luxury, eco-friendly cat products handmade from organic materials including cat caves, cat pods and cat toys rich in colour and texture.
Many cat pods I have come across have entry holes to0 small making some nervous cats shy of entering them which is why the Chocolate Condo Cat Cave bed caught my eye. The opening was large enabling a shy cat to look inside and be less frightened of climbing in.

Missy is the latest cat I have been working with and I couldn’t think of a better cat to trial the Chocolate Condo Cat Cave bed.
Missy is 10 years old and has had quite a knock back of late. Her owner of 10 years died leaving Missy grieving and frightened. Missy is now being looked after by her previous owner’s daughter but there’s a problem. Missy is not only toileting outside of the tray but had became withdrawn, hiding behind a large Tv set. Missy is a very special cat that, in the past, had saved her owners life on many occasions by alerting the family of early stages of cancer. Missy became her previous owners guardian and stayed by her side through ups and downs until the illness sadly took her owners life. Missy lost her life’s partner and her guardian.
I had a feeling the Chocolate Condo Cat Cave bed would be perfect for this type of case and so the product was very kindly donated to us to trial with Missy. Not only that, Mimis Daughters also gave her one of their textured wool toys.
The night the owners took the cat cave home I received a Whattsapp message with some photo’s of Missy exploring her new hidey-hole.

My instinct was correct. The larger entrance of these cat caves makes entering them less scary and makes the perfect cat cave for all types of cats but especially for ones that need to hide due to shyness or anxiety.
Chocolate Condo Cat Cave bed is:
- 100% handcrafted with high-quality, natural, New-Zealand sheep’s wool.
- Perfect for cats to play, sleep and live inside.
- Provides maximum warmth and comfort.
- Super cosy and cushioned!
- Dimensions 65cm
- Material Wool
The RTP is £65 and I think they are worth every penny.
A 5***** product which I highly recommend. Missy has given it the paws up too.
To purchase one of these awesome cat caves CLICK HERE
The cat cave collection can be seen HERE
Mimi’s Daughters website is: https://www.mimisdaughters.com/
Anita Kelsey holds a first class honours degree in Feline Behaviour and Psychology (work based BA Hons) and runs a vet referral service dedicated strictly to the diagnosis and treatment of behaviour problems in cats. Middlesex University also awarded Anita the Gerry Fowler Prize for achievement in recognition of her work and final result.
Anita is also a specialist mobile cat groomer who works closely with vets on aggressive or phobic cats. She writes for Your Cat magazine and is on their experts panel for cat grooming. Her debut book Claws. Confessions Of A Professional Cat Groomer is out now published by John Blake.Visit http://www.catbehaviourist.com.
Visit our Shop for top-quality cat toys and cat lover products!
Missy is Beautiful.
She sure is is. 🙂
My ancient old Burmese tortie, bleached by too many years sunbathing in Madeira. #cats https://t.co/xifN8w7g5w
Awwww what a cutie.
Does look pretty cozy!!!
Sure does! My four want one now. ?
That was a sad story but I’m glad she enjoyed her new bed.