Chat RoomChat Room (french for cat) – Cats Rule, Dogs Drool Posted on October 31, 2018August 13, 2018 by Purrsanthema 31 Oct “Oh Lou, I tried to get them to sell the darn dog. I told them CATS RULE! DOGS DROOL!” © Anissa Nedzel Gage, All rights reservedAdvertisementsVisit our Shop for Lisa Parker merchandise! Share this:FacebookLinkedInTwitterPinterestEmailWhatsAppMoreRedditTumblrPocketTelegramPrintLike this:Like Loading... Don't miss out!Subscribe To NewsletterReceive top cat news, competitions, tips and more!Invalid email address Give it a try. You can unsubscribe at any time.Thanks for subscribing! purrsanthema More of my poetry can be found at: Humans may know me as Anissa Nedzel Gage. In addition to poetry, I'm an artist and cartoonist, samples of that work can be viewed at: and Some of my images are available on t-shirts, coffee mugs and throw pillows at: Looking after Old Age Pets Houdini Style, Bird Catching!
Crystal And Daisy Mae says: Just love the saying and cartoon. We say that all the time at our house. Loading... November 1, 2018 at 7:21 pm Reply
I say that all the time!
Me too or our family does.
Ha ha love this. x?????
Just love the saying and cartoon. We say that all the time at our house.
That’s what my cats would say:)