Advice on Microchipping Your Pets

Advice on Microchipping Your Pets

Holiday time is nearly upon us, and some lucky pets may be joining us on our summer getaways. With this in mind, it’s important to take precautions before you go away.

June marks National Microchipping Month in the UK, and it’s a legal requirement for dogs to be microchipped. PDSA also recommend cats are microchipped as it’s the most reliable way of identifying them, and improves the chances of them being returned if lost.

PDSA Vet Olivia Anderson-Nathan said: “One of the most heartbreaking scenarios is when an injured animal is brought to us but isn’t microchipped, or the details on the chip aren’t up to date. You know the pet has a loving owner who will be desperate to know where they are, but there’s no way to let them know what has happened. These pets can end up in rescue centres if their owners are never found, which if they have strayed long distances may never happen. A simple microchip avoids all this.”

To help pet owners, Olivia has provided some top ‘need-to-knows’ when it comes to microchipping:

  • While cats don’t require ID, it’s the law for dogs to wear a collar with ID tag when outside the home. Legally, the collar or tag needs to show the owner’s name and address but including a phone number can be helpful so you can be contacted easily if someone finds your pet.
  • A single microchip will last for your pet’s lifetime. The chip can sometimes move around a little, which is why vets will scan over a pet’s whole body when checking for one. If the owner moves or a pet is rehomed they don’t need a new chip as the owner can just update their details with the microchip database – but it’s very important to remember to do this!
  • Getting a microchip shouldn’t be too sore – they are smaller than a grain of rice. It’s similar to getting any other injection like a vaccination and many pets don’t even notice it happening. It goes under the skin between their shoulder blades. They’re made of non-reactive material so shouldn’t cause any reaction or pain once inserted.
  • If your pet is found as a stray and brought to a vet or rescue centre, they will scan for the chip number then get in touch with the microchip company for the owner’s details so they can contact you. This is why it’s really important to make sure your details are always kept up-to-date in the database.
  • Microchipping costs can vary, but many councils, charities and veterinary clinics offer discounted or even free microchipping schemes. It’s worth researching what’s on offer in your area to get the best option for you and your pet.

Microchipped pets stand a much better chance of being reunited with their owners should they ever go missing. For more information visit

PDSA is the UK’s leading vet charity. We’re on a mission to improve pet wellbeing through prevention, education and treatment. Funding from players of People’s Postcode Lottery helps us reach even more pet owners with vital advice and information.


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15 thoughts on “Advice on Microchipping Your Pets

  1. messedupmindblog says:

    Absolutely its worth doing. <y Alice was hit by a car and couldnt get herself home. Someone took her to the vets when they found her at the roadside and if not for her being chipped I would have lost her. I'd recommend it to everyone. Worth every penny!

  2. Pingback: Advice on Microchipping Your Pets - Katzenworld Shop

  3. World of Animals, Inc says:

    This is advice is so great for clearing up many of the potential worries owners may have. All pets, cats and dogs benefit immensely from microchip insertion, whether it’s the law or not.

    • Marc-André says:

      Indeed! And if you ever fancy adding some cat advice with a link back to your own page of course let us know. 🙂

  4. greg-in-washington says:

    In our county here in the USA, cats have to wear a collar and county license tag. Micro chips are not required, but as you say, it is worth the money if your cat gets lost and returned.

    • Marc-André says:

      I still think microchips should be mandatory as it makes it so much easier to re unite them. Oddly chips are going to be mandatory for dogs but not cats here in the U.K.

  5. Lauren says:

    I like microchips because they can’t be stolen and they can’t get caught in fences and things. They also make veterinary updates a very simple matter. You don’t have to keep buying new tags with every update; your vet simply makes a quick computer update to the implanted chip. I still keep decorative collars on our cats so people will not presume they don’t already have people. But we also keep Effie and Paladin in Effieland when they’re out, and the gates are always padlocked! Halvor is either in the locked shop or outdoors. He hates any sort of collar, but he would injure anyone who might try to carry him off! When kids have asked if they can pet him, I give them an emphatic NO! He scratches and bites!

    • Marc-André says:

      ? your bit about Halvor and the kids made me laugh. If anyone tried to pinch our four it would be far too easy as they’d cuddle them!!!

  6. Mollie Hunt says:

    Great advice! Also, make sure you keep your information updated on the microchipping company site and whatever central registry is available where you are. I just looked up one of mine and it had an obsolete phone number! Write down the number and the company and keep it with your cat’s important records.

    • Marc-André says:

      Our third cat had an address in Texas when we adopted him. ?

      Got that changed straight away as we wouldn’t want him to end up doing a trip abroad. ?

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