Why does my cat Headbutt me?
If you’ve got a cat that loves lots of affection, you’ve probably found yourself on the receiving end of a lovely, soft… headbutt. You might have been left wondering why did your cat headbutt you? And if your cat should be doing this? We’ve got a few answers for you here at Argos Pet Insurance!
What does a cat headbutt look like?
A headbutt is also known as ‘bunting’. It is when a cat uses their head to make contact with you. Usually, they will tap their head against you and rub their cheek along whatever body part they’re near. You’ve probably seen your cat headbutt objects like walls, chairs and furniture too.
What does a cat headbutt mean?
Cats have scent glands all over their bodies. They use them to leave their mark on objects, including their humans. It is mainly used for bonding as well as socialising.
If you notice your cat headbutt you, then turn their head to their side or tuck it down, it’s likely that they’re looking for attention.
A cat headbutt is a great sign. It shows that your cat trusts you enough to be up close and personal with you.
You’ll notice a cat headbutt other cats too. This is to show respect to other cats, or to create a common colony scent with others in the household.
Is a cat headbutt to mark territory?
Many believe that this is a way of simply marking territory, but it’s more complicated than this. While cats do use scent glands to mark their territory, they also use it to create comforting familiarity or signify an area as ‘safe’.
If your cat doesn’t use a headbutt to show affection, don’t worry. Cats show they love you in a number of ways.
Article kindly provided by www.argospetinsurance.co.uk who provides pawesome pet insurance to cover your pet for the unexpected!
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So cute 🙂
Glad you liked it. 🙂
I was discover another CAT, well FELINE, and realize , only ours are pretty, awesome, and stunnin… https://t.co/sPnosge6ny
@PeterAskin1 https://t.co/2qrieRk2Az
While we do get headbutt at times, more likely they will want to rub noses. Once Colette trusted her human, she began doing this. Simone has done it once or twice which is remarkable as she is not that keen on human company. She is now making allowances and granting this human some time to adore her…
Oliver and Nubia love nose rubs. Freya and Renegade prefer cheek rubs and headbutting. 🙂
Alas, Colette doesn’t like cats and Simone isn’t keen on humans (after nearly two years, she is coming around a bit). We are still searching for that little brother as Simone seems extremely maternal. I have a feeling that she is still searching for those long lost kittens before we found her? 🙂
One of my cat not only headbutts, but she SMACKS her head on things. Really hard. It is quite startling!
? interesting.
It is very odd and jarring!
Miley was the only cat I have had so far that has done this. I have received lots of them. I felt her love greatly.
🙂 its a great moment when a cat decides to show affection like this.
It certainly is. 🙂
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Thank you, Marc-Andre, for a beautiful tribute to love on Father’s Day! Love your new, glorious site, and I never miss a day.
Awww thank you so much 🙂
i adore headbutts <3
I never knew there was so much depth to a cat headbutt. 🙂 Cute post!
I have one cat that always headbutts me when I am sitting ignoring her. It always means get up and get her food NOW, I have learned. There is no mistake in this.
??? Oliver does that to me for attention when I’m trying to get stuff done on the PC
I love when my cats pushes against my head with theirs. I love that affection.
Aw cat headbutts are the best.
Indeed 🙂
My buddy headbutts me all the time and I love it. You can see him on my recent post (My great American buddy; June 12, 2018) cm
I shall check it out. /)