Feral Cats

Feral Cats

While Cats are everywhere in the world, there are some that are classed as Feral. They don’t get the chance to be loved and cared for. They survive on basic food and shelter – that is if they find some. Feral cats are normally not spayed or neutered and tend to have a completely different temperament from household ones. Today from Review Tales, I wish to discuss this matter and I hope that you enjoy reading it.

Before getting into this discussion, I would like to make it known that stray cats and feral cats are very different. Stray cats are accustomed to being socialized with humans. They have also previously experienced how to bond before being abandoned or left behind. Feral cats are animals that have never had any or very limited amount of contact with humans. A feral cat will rarely be okay with becoming a household pet. Understanding the difference is important because it helps inform everyone how best to interact with the cat.

Feral cats cannot be touched and once caught, will likely stay in the back of the cage. They will more likely be tense and unsocial. They can be aggressive and lash out if they feel threatened. Taking them in is very hard and turning them into a domestic cat is almost impossible.

If you do come across a Feral cat, it is best to leave them alone unless they are hurt and need medical attention.

Written by Jeyran Main



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26 thoughts on “Feral Cats

  1. Mws R says:

    I like feral and think like you they should be approached with caution. All sorts of different kinds of personalities with them. I have at brother and sister feral that were babies when I got them. They are loving but still they have that instinct to flee if scared. I love them as if they were the kind of cat you can cuddle to.

  2. Pingback: Feral Cats - Katzenworld Shop

  3. Willow Croft says:

    Your local animal shelter may have traps available and help you trap them, spay/neuter them, and re-release them in a feral cat “colony”–TNR–“trap-neuter-release”, so they are not increasing in population at the site. It’s usually free.

  4. Writer's River says:

    Depends on their personality, whether you can acclimate a feral cat into a house cat. It takes time, understanding and patience. Gain their trust and build on it.

  5. Debbie Bugezia says:

    Great post on feral and stray cats. So many times people think they are all feral and that’s not the case. I volunteer with our local cat catfe and share information on trap neuter return (TNR) programs as well as reduced spay/neuter programs. Thanks for sharing great information.

  6. simon7banks says:

    In many parts of the world there are colonies of cats that are mostly not stray, but breed as ferals, while exploiting closeness to humans for food. They beg for food. They are not afraid to approach humans – with some caution, but that’s common in domestic cats encountering strange humans. It is very unwise to pick one up, but stroking may be acceptable provided you don’t mind a cat-flea or two. Should these cats be classified as feral? I suspect so, but their behaviour is rather different from what Jeyran describes.

    • Marc-André says:

      Very true. There are different types of “feral cats”. We met a number of “friendly” colonies in Japan.

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