Hello I am Spazzy the II.
Queen of all I survey.
I was adopted from the Linn County Humane Society outside of Cedar Rapids Iowa USA. In August of 2014. I am almost 4 years old now.
I enjoy my time in the sun shine.
I also enjoy watching my many channels of Cat TV.
Especially when the bug at the window channel is on.
I enjoy playing with my toys. My humans call me Black Lighting when I’m playing because I’m so fast.
I have many household chores including laundry cat.
It’s very hard to hold so many things down when you only weigh 8 pounds.
Also, I must in sure there is the proper ratio of shedded black fur on everything in my domain.
And helping my humans pack when they have to travel.
It’s a dirty job ruling my domain. A girl has to keep herself clean.
Until next time. Keep an eye on your subjects
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Beautiful! And the stunning M & M’s on the couch! Cheers,H
So black, so awesome <3
Hellu, Spazzy II! I R Sabrina and dis mah famulli. Iz berry hard to bees cat and takes care ov hol… https://t.co/EQUcBJWmJj
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Snazzy Spazzy ?
El Gato Negro! Black is Beautiful! Love these small lithe and fun loving Black Panthers! <3 <3
My little Parker is a fan of the bug on the window channel, also!
Hello Spazzy. You look like you are enjoying your home.
Ah Spazzy you have a tough life!
Hello gorgeous Spazzy. I have a black boy to he is 11. Hugs and Purrs.x????
beautiful cat!
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