So Ron settled in so quickly at home and soon was making great friends with the Maine Coon’s Tutti, Foxy, Rocky and Graeme and Monty the Nebelung. It really has been one of the easiest kitten introductions I have ever had and that is down to just what a laid back breed the American Curl is and of course how Claire raises her kittens! It was time for Ron to enter his first show.

Now anyone who knows me will tell you I don’t do things in half measures, so we didn’t just enter a small show, oh no we entered The International Cat Associations Western Europe’s Regional Show which is the big one of the year and has a big party on the Saturday night to celebrate the previous show seasons winners. My lovely Dad flew over from Guernsey for the weekend and off we all travelled me, Dad, Tutti and Ron to Grantham in Lincolnshire with the car packed to the gunnels!
The International Cat Association (I will use the abbreviation TICA) are not just about showing your cat they are also a great weekend to spend with friends from all over the world. You can show your pedigree cat or your pet, everyone is welcome and all have the chance of winning the same prizes. Ron was showing in the kitten section and on day one he had 6 rings with judges from America, Japan, Austria and the UK. Ron was in competition with his beautiful sister Ginny who Claire from Overear American Curls had kept and they pretty much shared out the winnings by regularly being placed highly by the judges. Ron soon mastered the art of really sucking up to the judges, playing with toys and using the scratching posts. He was very quickly becoming a pro!

That evening we had the prize giving banquet in a beautiful country manor house where I picked up Tutti and Monty’s awards, really great evening of partying followed up by a lovely hangover for day 2!!

So day 2 and again 6 rings with the same international judges and yet again Ron blew me away by how much fun he was having and again he got amazing results for his first show and being so young! He finished up the weekend as the 3rd Best Kitten in show and his sister Ginny was 5th! Cracking result as they were only just old enough to be there. I swear I drove home right on top of cloud nine! What an amazing start to his show career. Pretty much the first thing I did when I got home was feed Ron and Tutti then jumped onto my computer to book the next show, here we come Kent.

If you would like to find out more about showing at TICA please have a look at their website or ask me any questions. In fact come and visit a show! If you want to see more cute American Curl kittens please visit Overear American Curls Facebook page.
Well done Ron! What a gorgeous and clever little kitty you are!
I show one of my Ragdolls with GCCF in the Pedigree Pet section (he has mis-marked hocks, I wasn’t intending to show when I got him). I’ve recently started showing my Ragdoll kitten with GCCF too, in the pedigree section. He’ll soon be at his second show.
I visited a TICA show when a friend was showing – it’s such a different way of showing. I might be brave one day, and enter a show near me.
You really must come and try TICA, let me know if you are and I will look out for you.
Will do. Would be lovely to see Ron ?
Gosh Ron is so gorgeous and I just love the photo off Rocky and Ron.Would love to see your other cats.Oh well done Ron who could ever resist you.x??????
Thank you, I have no doubt the rest of my gang will appear in future blogs 🙂
OhMyCat! Ron is wonderful, tiny and cuddly, with his curled ears I love him <3
And the difference with the Maine Coons is unbelievable, but so funny 😀
Totally Sid, Ron and the Maine Coons make me laugh everyday!
Ron has such a cute good luck Ron! ??
Thank you 🙂
OMG 1. LOVE those sort of cats’ ears! Funny yet sophisticated! #2 That cat the big one in the first pic.. Is that cat real!??!!? If so are they sure its a maine coon and not one of those Norweigan forest cats (I think they are a little bigger than the coons)
Hi, he is definitely a Maine Coon as all of mine have been bought from registered breeders so I know exactly where they come from and all have been shown and done well. You are right however that NFC’s are also a very big cat breed on a par with Maine Coons.