Hi everyone,
As many of you know people like to make pets part of their family and that often means that they want to share their food with them as well!
Unfortunately what’s good for us isn’t always good for our pets…
GoCompare has put together this handy infographic which we wanted to share with you today.
Click to visit our Shop for the hassle-free Zen Clippers!
A good one 🙂
Thanks ^^
Good post. Shared on LinkedIn. Is cooked Roast Beef Ok to feed your cat?
Cooked roast beef should be fine!
Good to hear because Daisy Mae just loves it.
pressed this on http://daisymae2017.wordpress.com Shared on LinkedIn too.
Thanks ^^
Your Welcome. Thought it important to put it on my site and LinkedIn.
Great info.
Thank you 😀
Pingback: What not to feed your pets – Katzenworld | RoseyToesSews
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Great information! My friend uses wheatgrass as a snack for his cat too – she plays and nibbles on the wheatgrass like she would catnip.
Glad you found it useful. 🙂
More great info, new about the lilies, fortuately my cat is very fussy and only likes tuna and white fish. Salmon and trout are of no interest!
Lilies are surprisingly dangerous to cats and many people don’t know about that. 😡
I know. I love them but the only ones I have are in a beautiful big water colour. Cats are very sensitive. My current cat suffers from dermatitis. More common than I realised. She was a rescue and had been labelled difficult because she didn’t like being stroked. Poor thing was just feeling itchy and cross. She’s a delight with it under control
Poor little one. Good you figured out what was causing that. If you ever want to write about her let us know btw! ^^
We had a cat that used to steal chocolate at every opportunity. Didn’t seem to do him any harm, though.
As with most things if it is small amounts it’s not going to be a “problem” in fact chocolate is actually toxic for us as well. It’s the stimulant in the cocoa that’s a poison. But better be safe than sorry. 😉
Good info . I had a friend that came to stay and gave my cat table food and lots of other bad habit. My Scabbers turned into a bigger an at wasn’t nice about it.
Ha yes a friend had a similar situation 😡
Chocolate should be for both cats and dogs on the main chart of DO NOTs, one of the most toxic and lethal, even within a day.
Good point!
Pingback: What NOT to Feed Your Pet – Jeanne Foguth's Blog
What about salty things with cats? Jamima always pestered me for whatever I was eating. She was curious but I only offered her a taste……….
Salt is fine as far as I know.
Hi Everyone 🙂
I have fed my cats raw for over 15 years and the health benefits have been utterly astounding. Cats are designed to eat their prey raw. They don’t sit around and have a cook up! Also., cats are not a grazing animal so I never leave food done longer than an hour. I’m naturopathic in my beliefs and I aim to give my cats as much a natural life as I can for their well being and health. I’m sending my cat book (focussing on challenging felines and life saving nutrition) to my publisher in October and if anyone in London would like to consider joining my natural cat food trial then please let me know, Susanne
Hi Susanne,
That sounds like a very interesting trial. If you need any support and media coverage feel free to drop us an email to info@katzenworld.co.uk
Not sure if my last message was posted. We are based in London so if you need help let us know. 😀