Famous Office Cats Infographic!

Hi everyone,

Today we would like to share with you a fun infographic on famous office / working cats around the world!

The big quetion for everyone is how many of these did you know about?!? We learned of a few that we had not heard of before.

Famous office cats by Euroffice.

We hope you liked the infographic!




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20 thoughts on “Famous Office Cats Infographic!

  1. Rohvannyn says:

    I’d heard of Tama (as well as her replacement) and the Mayor of Talkeenta and Socks of course, but I was delighted to find out about Lemon! The Kyoto Keisatsu are pretty neat if they have him.

  2. angela1313 says:

    I’ve got a pic of Larry being rounded up by a bobby but I didn’t know about Lord Palmerston. He looks much like my late Tony. Love those cats in formal attire and so right for the Foreign Office.

  3. helentastic67 says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if all workplaces had a resident cat? The Astor cinema had a cat in the 90’s in Melbourne. It would pick and choose which laps to come sit on during screenings. The Astor is a beautiful old cinema.

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