I am very happy tell you that The Friday Art Cat, along with Katzenworld, has been nominated for The Liebster Award. The Liebster is a kind of share-the-love award that one blogger passes on to other bloggers as an acknowledgement of awesomeness. We were nominated by Jen at www.jabrushblog.wordpress.com. THANKS, JEN!
To follow up on the Liebster Award, a nominated blogger should do the following:
- Acknowledge the blogger that nominated you
- Answer the questions the nominating blogger asks by posting on your own blog
- Nominate 10 bloggers with under 200 followers, or so
- Inform the bloggers you have nominated them
- Post 10 questions for the new nominees to answer
I love it! It’s kind of like a chain letter of amazing blogs for everyone to check out. I answered the questions below for the Art Cat. You can find my (real) responses on Art is Not for Sissies. What does your Friday Art Cat think about all of this!? Let’s DANCE!

What is your favorite movie?
The Art Cat’s new favorite is The Secret Life of Pets, but she adored Keanu. Past favorites include That Darn Cat, Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas, and The Aristocats.
Who are your writing icons?
She favors Lillian Jackson Braun, Dr. Seuss, Tad Williams, and C.S. Lewis, because he features a lion as the main character.
What are your hobbies?
Bird watching and tending the catnip garden.
What is your favorite holiday?
The Art Cat likes that holiday in the US where they celebrate by eating a bird.
Do you like to travel?
NO! Please do not put the Art Cat in a car. Ever.
What is your ideal vacation?
When she does wander away from her comfortable environs, she likes to visit the neighbor’s yard to lounge in the exotic foliage by their front door.
Are you going to watch the Olympics? If so, what sports are you going to watch?
The Art Cat is not much for human sport. In fact, she slept through most of the televised events.
What is your favorite kind of food?
Almond butter. Really, your Art Cat goes crazy for almond butter.
What made you want to blog?
The Art Cat just wants to be famous and thought that if I told the world about her, then she could be as well-know as Lil Bub.
But, Seriously, My Blog Nominations
I hope you will take a moment to check out these bloggers that I feel deserve the Liebster nod.
https://postcardmuseum.wordpress.com Because I LOVE postcards!
https://artjillkuhn.wordpress.com A blog about art and process.
https://belindaclaushuis.wordpress.com Amazing illustrations and details.
https://rebeccayoungnicholson.wordpress.com I guess I appreciate art blogs!
https://kittycaperz.wordpress.com Because CATS!
https://lynnerae.com Children’s book author and illustrator.
https://gwenniesworld.wordpress.com Beautiful pictures of flowers and nature.
https://bluetwigstudio.wordpress.com Products a reviews for paper crafting.
http://www.adeenedenton.com/blog A surprisingly entertaining blog about rocks.
https://georgiemoon2016.wordpress.com Travel, photos, and cat who lives on a boat.
Thanks again to everyone! If you haven’t yet, please check out my blog at Art is Not for Sissies. And, a special thanks to Katzenworld for all of your support!
Nominated bloggers, here are your 10 questions:
- What motivated you to start blogging? Why do you blog?
- Who or what inspires you to write or create?
- What is one interesting thing that happened to you this summer?
- Do you have any pets? How many? What are their names?
- What is your favorite season of the year? Why?
- If you could hop into a reliable time machine, where/when would you go? Why?
- Tell us about your office or studio.
- Books or movies? If you had to choose one over the other.
- Your best post, in your opinion, and a link to it.
- Advice you have for anyone who might want to start blogging.
congratulations on your award 🙂
MOL We loved your answers to the questions Art Cat.
Shoko and Kali
🙂 Thanks!
Congratulation on your nomination and your award
Thank you!
Thank you so much!
Congratulations on your award Art Cat:)
Thank you!
Congrats! I love curling up with a Lillian Jackson Braun novel.