Tired of dancing alone, Your Friday Art Cat invited a few friends over so they could get a groove on.

I spend a lot of time observing my cats, so it’s natural to me that they are the models for this work. I based the dance poses on how each cat may lie when tummy-up, then repositioned feet or heads when drawing to make it look like the cats are dancing. Party on, cats!!
If you like this, please check out my blog, Art is Not for Sissies, where I go on about cats and art. Thanks!!
Carol Parker Mittal
They’re bustin’ some serious moves!
Love this one!
Hi there! I nominated you for The Liebster Award!
Wow! Thank you! What do I do now?
Follow the instructions: nominate 10 people with 200 followers or less and answer the ten questions I asked.
Okay! Where would do I find the questions? Sorry, I’ve looked in the places that seem logical. Are they in an email? If so, I’m a guest blogger on this site, so I don’t get the private messages.
I posted them in my post, what I wrote before are basically the instructions.
That would look great on my wall.
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Adorable Kitties
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these cats rock.
Haha! Thanks 🙂