Events: An evening with James Bowen and Streetcat Bob in aid of Ebony Horse Club

Hi everyone,

Today we would like to alert you to the upcoming charity event from Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Now you are probably wondering why we would tell you about a Horse Club Event? Well that’s simple to answer – Street Cat Bob is the special guest of evening! 🙂

Of course we will be present at the event to report for you guys but if you can make it book your tickets here now.

More details about the upcoming event below directly from Sue who works at the Club:


At Ebony Horse Club, a charity in Brixton that provides horse riding opportunities to children and young people growing up in one of most disadvantaged areas in UK, we’ve had some very illustrious visitors – Her Majesty The Queen, for instance! But a few months ago, we laid out the red carpet for a famous feline who has become a legend in his own lifetime.
Hot from the set of the film about his life, Streetcat Bob, arrived at the yard riding high on the shoulders of his constant companion, James to be greeted by whinnies of welcome from his horsey hosts.

Even Pedro the Shetland pony was impressed. He is, after all, something of a film star himself with over 500,000 views on youtube. “Want a ride, mate?” he neighed. Bob happily climbed onto Pedro’s back and was polite enough not to mention his new friend’s diminutive height. He is more used to the police horses he met in his former career as a busker around London’s West End.

After his ride, Bob and James watched Saturday morning lessons. (Buddy, the big old gypsy cob offered James a ride but this was graciously declined.) Everyone wanted a selfie with a cat of Bob’s caliber and he posed for his fans in movie star style that outshone Tom Cruise.

Before he left, he was presented with a scarf with Pedro’s head on it. “So you won’t forget me,” Pedro said, rather wistfully. “Don’t worry, I won’t. I’ve had a purr-fectly splendid morning,” replied Bob.


And he was as good as his purr. On May 26th, James and Bob are appearing at The Tabernacle in West London to raise funds for Ebony Horse Club. As befits their fame, top ITN news anchor, Alastair Stewart will be interviewing them. There will be some great prizes to be won including a night at the 5* May Fair Hotel with tickets to the film, Streetcat Named Bob, starring Bob – oh and Luke Treadaway, and that woman off Downton, Joanne Froggatt. “How come I wasn’t cast in that?” Bob asked her. “I’m a better actor than that soppy Labrador!”


We hope to see some of you there! The evening will include a book signing, raffle and auction with some terrific prizes to raise funds for Ebony Horse Club. You may even recognise some of the prizes as 4Cats (stocked on our Katzenworld Shop) has kindly donated “a few” toys. 😀


And don’t forget tickets can be purchase here.

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26 thoughts on “Events: An evening with James Bowen and Streetcat Bob in aid of Ebony Horse Club

  1. pilch92 says:

    I wish I could go to this, I adore them. Even if I could afford to fly to England, I wouldn’t have time to get a passport.

  2. franhunne4u says:

    Good to see James is using his fame not only for his and his feline’s wellbeing but also for charity! I have the first of his books about Bob and him.

  3. The Canadian Cats says:

    Streetcat Bob has hit the big, big time. We have had all Bob and James’s books read to us and we loved them. Shoko is still working on the high five with mom. She’s getting pretty good…mom that is….Shoko misses mom’s hand a lot. MOL It would be wonderful to go to this event but a bit costly.

    Kitty Kisses,


  4. Jillian says:

    I’m a big fan of James and Bob. I absolutely loved their books and find their lives so inspirational. Looking forward to your post after the event. Thank you.

  5. Under the Oaks says:

    I love Bob and James… and horses! I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit here and will return to read and look some more. Thank you for the follow. Your header/headers are sweet!

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