Our day at the National Pet Show 2015

Hello everyone,

I know this post is extremely overdue but on the other hand also well timed as the London – National Pet Show is literally around the corner as it’ll be in May this year! 😀

On a good note if you fancy meeting us at this years show don’t forget to checkout our ticket giveaway here.

As promised we went to the Birmingham show last year and took MANY photos which is why it has taken us quite some time to sort through them all. 😉

This time was the first time that the GCCF was also there to judge cats in various categories!


The cats were judged on things such as size, shine of coat, colouring. All depending on the breeds in the judging session!

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The ladies were very gentle handling the cats and most of them seemed to be fine with the judging.

The next thing we saw was a stall from CATS Protection!

It was great meeting the guys and good to see that they are educating people about adopting cats. Keep up the good work <3

Of course there were many adorable cats around the show and we will be featuring more of these in our follow-up posts so just a few for now. 😉


like this beautiful ragdoll! 🙂


It’s all about the eyes! 😉


And this beautiful lady seems like she has had enough for the day already and just wants to relax. 😉

Being a pet show it also had plenty of goods available for both cat lovers and cat owners alike so let’s take a look at what we found! 😀

First up were TiggaTowers, their luxury cat trees may seem expensive but they are sure to last a lifetime!!! 🙂

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Next up we have some amazing toys from Bobbleicious! Not your regular cat teaser – this one is all about looking pretty for us humans. 🙂

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Wondering what these are? They are puzzles for cats! 😀 Originally this started as a dog toy company but they have realised that cats love them too! More of them here.


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Now this was especially cool! Catwyse was at the show to present their new online learning program for cat lovers and owners. It’s a well designed e-learning tool that provides education in a fun and engaging way.

Ever wondered how many different flavours of cat food Royal Canin offers? Here you go. 😀

There were so maaaannnny cute products for cat lovers and owners that we were almost overwhelmed by it! So if you can you should go to the London based National Pet Show this May. 😀

Which of these was your favourite? 😉

And on this note we are done for the day. But there will be plenty of follow-up posts to look at some of the especially cute cats we saw at the show! 😀

And of course if you are planning to go to the next show in May please do let us know.

Oh and please subscribe to our Newsletter. 🙂




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37 thoughts on “Our day at the National Pet Show 2015

  1. Carole says:

    We went to the Birmingham show and came away with several large bags of goodies. Best purchase was a raised cat bed, which the cats love. Most wanted item was the huge cat wheel and best bit was seeing Supervet live. So inspirational!

  2. Donna Wilkinson says:

    I couldn’t choose between the cats as all were stunning! As for the gadgets – I love the cat wheel.

    I’ve booked a stall for my cat scratchers – Charley and Billie – at the National Pet Show at the NEC, Birmingham in November. So I hope to see you there, Marc ?

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