Oliver & Nubia: Meeeeooooooooowwww – sooooo hungry
Oliver: Where is my food! Those crumbs that are left in the bowl are not good enough anymore
Nubia: Soooo hungry – I don’t want those left-over crunches. 🙁 *very angry tail-flap*)
(This was with 2 hours left to go until dinner time…)
Oli & Nubia: We heard that human!!! and your watch must be going wrong dinner was over-due! :O
Signed by
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubzilla the Disturber of Peace
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Lol! Tess is like that..when? Oh, yes, every moment of the day! She is always hungry. XD
Haha! Good I’m not alone in this. ;£
Feed me is the most common demand. I am not eating this! I had it for breakfast! I want something new! I want something better!
Sometimes I run a buffet.
Hehe 🙂
LOL. Yes that’s very familiar
Ah! Memories of very angry tail flaps!
Hehe 🙂
Lovely kitties 🙂
Thank you 🙂
No prob 🙂
My cats rally together and carry protest signs saying “End Dishbottom,” and “No More Empty Bowls.”
LOL! I think my two cons easily join in on that and it’s not like we are starving them haha
ha ha…gosh they sound like my cat, rageous…shes just so hungry all the time. even when shes been fed. Her belly is getting a little too close to the ground for my liking ha ha
Oh yes the difficulty of demanding cats. Oli apparently is starting to get too chubby so we had to put our electronic feeder in place. It’s microchip controlled so it only opens for Nubia. He is top cat so tends to steal her food otherwise 😡
Better feed them soon or you’ll have to sleep with one eye open!
Haha XD they got food at exactly the time this post went live 🙂
Good. You’ll live to see another day then. ?
Haha yeah 🙂
Left-over crunches XD
Send them on a cruise ship to anywhere and they will NOT be hungry ever again! LOL! There sure are a lot of posts where your cats complain of NOT getting enough to eat. I never believe them though and neither does anyone else who knows they are suitably well fed and have plenty of toys, food, love and state of the art EVERYTHING. Most importantly, they have a great family and a lot of friends. Its a cat’s life…..Aaaahhh! Best Wishes and good to be back!
Welcome back! And thank you 🙂 they do indeed seem to complaint a lot about food haha 😉
No messing about where food is involved!
Noodle and crew
XD I don’t they are trying to frame me 😉
Oh, the angry tail-flap! Yes, Teemu is the master of that one! 🙂
Lol. Oli doesn’t really do that one very often by Nubia on the other hand… She could punch a hole in the wall with it XD
Haha! I love it!
You poor kitty , that is just not right.
XD. They got their dinner 😮 just more demanding than usually haha
We have had to ration our Tigee. She forgets that she ate, so we give her about 1/4 of her portion 4-5 times a day. She still yells at me that she needs more. Cats are so much fun.
Haha! So typical cat 🙂
My husband makes Yodi eat his fur ball treats before he can have more food. He looks at his bowl and looks at us, sniffs the treats and looks at us, keeps going back to his bowl to see if it has been filled and we tell him every time, eat your treats. One by one they disappear.?
LOL! Surprisingly ours love their furball treats. What brand do you use? 🙂
Yodi does too but gets tired of them I guess. They are Essential Pet Hairball Chews by 21st Century. He loved them at first. Not sure they are working as well as I had hoped. Cleaned up two messes this morning. He loves Temptations treats. Last night or 2:30 am, Yodi starts doing everything in his power to get us to get up to feed him. We were making him eat his treats because Danny found the furball piles when he got up to get water. Yodi banged on the blinds, tickled me with his whiskers, patted me with his paw, cooed in my ear and finally stood on me with all fours and stared at Danny. That one got me up. I tapped on the treats and said “Eat these”. The next time he disturbed me, I got up and checked and he had eaten the treats so I fed him. Not that the treats had a chance to work. Ha!
Ah I feed ours cat cafe anti hairball treats. They love them so much that the second I get the bag they both stand in line LOL.
Will try them. Thanks as always.
You are welcome! And if you can’t find them in a pet shop near you I have a few bags left on the online shop.katzenworld.uk :). They are the most popular and I usually end up going loads to friends too LOL. And if you do get them from us use katzenworld10 for a discount ^^
Good to know.
Great dialogue!
Haha thanks ^^
Each of mine has their own food bowl. They constantly try to convince me that I’ve given them the wrong bowl (after they’ve eaten half the food in said bowl) and they really should have their sister’s bowl because she is truly eating our of their bowl. So, I wrote their name on their bowls so there was NO confusion. Now they claim they can’t read. Sigh………it’s always something. Love your kitties!
Yep that sounds like my two siblings… Hence why I sometimes use a microchip controlled feeding bowl which means Oli can’t steal his sister’s food. :). And thank you. :F
Yes, your post is the first I’ve heard of microchip controlled feeding bowls. Very interesting….
It’s a great invention. We posted about it here: https://katzenworld.co.uk/2015/06/19/oliver-nubia-the-surefeed-microchip-pet-feeder/ and it just won an award at the international cat care annual awards event Friday just gone. 🙂
These two cats! The black and white guy always looks so suprised! it’s super cute. I’d love to just kiss him – showing the love! In fact I always kiss my cats, nothing wrong with it from my perspective… They are just so more lovable than people
Hehe! Thank you 🙂 and yes we do kiss them too 😀
And show our love by whispereing “I love you” continuously as they struggle to escape from our arms lol!
XD yep haha
Aww that’s so cute! ^.^
I especially love it when cats do the ‘angry tail flapping’ haha!
Thank you 🙂