Charity Mews: Katzenworld @ International Cat Care’s summer boat trip

Hi everyone,

As some of you may already know we attended the summer boat trip aboard Lady Daphne that international cat care organised.


The trip was a blast and we managed to take many great photos while cruising on the Thames but was even better was the fact that we got to socialise with fellow cat lovers and of course got a closer look at the work of international cat care! We even met one of our readers (Jennifer from Magic and Leo)  who also attended the event. 🙂

We will be working more closely with iCatCare in the future and more details about this will be released in due course!

We arrived a bit early at London pier so decided to take a few shots of the Lady Daphne itself:


Lady Daphne is the barge that we got to board for this trip and was docked at London City pier.

A truly magnificent sight! 🙂

As we were a bit early I had a chance to take some of photos of the information brochures and other cat related items that international cat care prepared for this trip.

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These are their info magazines full with useful tips and advice for caring for our feline companions. They are available as online magazine subscription here.


They also had some lovely greeting cards available. These 10 cards picture images that were amongst the top entries in the iCatCare Photographic Competition 2014 and each card includes a story about the cat picture. They are available here.


Ever had the problem to end up among people that are not cat fanatic and don’t know how to talk with you about cats? You should get them one of these books! The Bluffer’s guide to cats is the perfect book for anyone who isn’t already cat crazy and needs to be converted! The book is currently on special offer via their online shop! 😀

More about the book and a giveaway for this will be launched later today! So keep your eyes out for it. 🙂

Before we took of Claire (Chief Executive of iCatCare) gave us a few introductions about the plan for the evening. 🙂

Lady Daphne boat trip

And then we were of onto a great tour with great people!

I took a few hundred photos while we sailed along the Thames but don’t worry I’ll only highlight some of the best shots! 😉

HMS Belfast “Imperial War Museum”
No building is the same! And of course there is the Walkie-Talkie Tower stands out the most.
The Shard! London’s tallest building – it is quite arguable though if it is a beauty or a beast. 😉

And the highlight of the trip was of course the opening of Tower Bridge! London’s iconic bridge.

Past the HMS Belfast – The bridge started opening up.
Tower Bridge is now fully opened!
Impressive view of Tower Bridge as we approached.
And we were under the bridge! 🙂
Goodbye Tower Bridge and see you on our way back.

On our journey along the Thames we also got a good view of the Isle of Dogs and its famous district Canary Wharf. We may want to send over the cats to have it renamed to Isle of Cats! 😉

Canary Wharf – Isle of Dogs

We also got a good view of the Greenwich area with its Painted Hall, University and Museum

Greenwich University Campus
A picture of me! Very rare as I am usually behind the camera. 😉

We hope you enjoyed the photos of our trip and don’t forget there will be a book giveaway later today! 🙂

Oh and please do sign up to our Newsletter.

About International Cat Care:
International Cat Care
International Cat Care works to create a world in which ‘all cats, owned and unowned, are treated with care, compassion and understanding’.
Founded in 1958, we are a respected authority on feline health and best practice, working with owners, vets and other professionals around the world.
Registered Charity – 1117342




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29 thoughts on “Charity Mews: Katzenworld @ International Cat Care’s summer boat trip

  1. scfjdqueenbeeedit says:

    Fascinating! Did you see many houseboats on the River Thames? I have read that there are many of them, due to high housing costs on land in London.

      • mvaden1948 says:

        I was in London in August 1985 (probably before you were born)….although it didn’t rain except for one day when it was indeed “peeing it down” and that was the day we had chosen to take a trip to a cemetery that was a train ride, a bus ride and quite a walk away. It began raining while we were there and the attendant at the cemetery felt so sorry for us he gave us a ride back to the train station. =^.^=

  2. lawjic says:

    Love the photos; GLAD YOU DID NOT TAKE THE CATS! They would NOT have been too happy! But you met more fellow cat lovers! I hope my cruise is less choppy!

  3. Pingback: War and peace with Daisy | Magic and Leo

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