You may or may not have heard of the extreme sport, “Parkour!” It’s a weird sport of kind of bouncing of things (and putting yourself in pain!)
Watch Digda taking this to a complete NEW level!
Disclaimer: No cats were harmed in this video. Please do NOT repeat at home!
Originally seen on Cute Overload.
The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop
Great video! Wonderfully edited. I had seen the one on the skateboard before.
Awesome! That cat sure has a spring in its step! I’m very impressed ?
Stupendo!!! It’s wonderful!
He’s so cathletic!
Yep 😀 I loved this video. 🙂
Reblogged this on Jeanne Foguth’s Blog and commented:
If Didga isn’t a Purrtector in training, I don’t know what cat is!
Haha thank you 🙂
Didga needs to be offered a role in the next Mission Impossible movie. 🙂
Digda–Ninja warrior cat! This is awesome!
Hehe. Thanks 🙂
Incredible picture.
^^ thanks. Btw do you want to do another one for the poetry section? 🙂
Sure, I’ve buried the email on how to submit. I was not well for a while. Better now. Could you send again?
Ah! Just send it to 🙂
Okay, I’ll get you something in the next day or so. Thank you, Marc.
What a crazy amazing cat! My Fluffin used to do all that when she was young, We just celebrated her 20th birthday on June 21st with a can of premium white albacore tuna. Great video!
Thank you. And belated happy birthday to Fluffin. 🙂 if you’d like to write a guest story about her we feature a guest star each Saturday! ^^
Thanks! Love to! I’ll do it in August ^^
Oh my goodness! I wasn’t sure what parkour was!
Hehe 🙂
This is amazing viedo, I wonder how they did… This is amazing cat, I had . I had seen the skateboard before. Thank you, Love, nia
Thank you Nia 🙂
What an AMAZING flying cat! Great video!
Thanks 🙂
Omg! So funny. Well captured and edited!
I know! Amazing video 🙂
Reblogged this on The Lady GMLA and commented:
Skateboard with this one racing you.
Jessie and Cody,
BMX against this one.
Too cool! Sweet awesomeness!
Thanks 😀
You’re welcome ^ ^
A great video that made me laugh a little bit! Never seen a cat jumping over a building before.
Hehe 🙂
Fantastic! What a legend!
Thanks 😀