So I was hiding away in my cat igloo on this quiet sunday morning – thinking I would be all safe from the humans camera in here…
But what’s that the humans found me anyway!
Go away human!!!! I am trying to sleep =D
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Signed by
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
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I think under the bed is the only place you can avoid the dreaded camera.
Or not 😀 I have a camera stick and can control it remotely via my phone. Plus it has a night vision shot so no flash required haha XD
I guess there is nowhere to hide. 🙂
Nope! Haha
My cats both turn their heads because they expect the flash. That makes it fun trying to get portrait-like shots of them! I’m happy when I catch them in good light and no flash is needed.
Me too! 🙂
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Thank you!!! 😀
Very nice igloo Oliver but it seems no matter WHERE we try to get some privacy that flashy box shows up sooner or later!
Happy Sunday
Hugs, Sammy
Happy Sunday ^^
Squee! Oliver is adorable in his little hide-away. Too bad he wasn’t really able to hide XD
😀 haha thank you
Oliver, are too cute NOT to be photographed! XO
I keep telling him that but he doesn’t listen to me lol. Maybe it helps if someone else says it. 😉
He sure looks happy UNTIL you destroyed his SUNDAY! Just kidding, but seriously, maybe he can get a day off too? Just a thought. There is no doubt in my mind that you have the happiest and healthiest, socialized cats in the UK. He is JUST fine! I think he looks wonderful in his igloo. But only a CAT can come up with such an amazing “look of utter contempt”!! Gotta love it, Marc! Thanks for sharing, as always!
Thank you ^^
I will I will XD
Poor kitty, you need a better security system.
LOL. Yes he does. Haha 🙂
Those pawparazzi are so annoying ! Purrs
Hehe 🙂
Oliver, unfortunately we’ve learned that the pawparazzi are everywhere…there is no escape.
I was polite at first. Polite failed.
You don’t know their “religious” beliefs!
They don’t TELL you.
Oh!!! Never thought of that o.o
Oliver – the only answer is to wake up the humans. I’m sure you’ve watched enough to know which button to push to get the little light to flash on the camera. 🙂
Haha xD