Hi everyone,
So apparently my human messed up his computer but not to worry King Oliver will fix this for him swiftly.
Oliver: I see. Looks like he used the wrong password… Humans just don’t know what they are doing half the time! 😉
Oliver: But that is no problem at all. I memorised his password alongside other important details such as his credit card harhar!
Oliver: Now that I entered the password… Just a button here… a setting there and it will all be up and running again shortly!
Signed by
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Visit our Shop for Lisa Parker merchandise!
You could also use your ‘puter’s pawprint reader instead of that boring password. It would be considerably safer for your human.
Haha! I should register his paw on the print reader and see what happens. Probably would come home to a delivery of fresh salmon ordered on my credit card 😉
Interesting – I was just thinking that if he knows your password AND your credit card number, what’s coming next in the mail?
God knows! A whole box of surprises probably. XD fresh tuna? Mice servants? Deluxe cheese? (Yes he loves cheese…)
Can we say fat cat? Although mice servants, that’s a better idea! Do they have to wear tuxedos while he chases them around?
They probably would be better of wearing armor 🙂
Oliver is a beautiful king 🙂
Thank you <3
All hail King Oliver!
😀 ?
Oh King Oliver come over and rescue our compawters…. we have an error 404, but it sits in front of the keyboard :o)
Haha XD
What would our humans do without us?
Be taken over by aliens and worse! 😉
Oliver, will you please come and fix, my desktop? I am the most low-tech human, not like your human. I’ll send you a plane ticket so you can come to visit me and Ms. Cali in CA. Then you can FIX our computer. Please don’t steal our credit cards. Cali has hidden most of them and SHE is an authorized user on most….Love you, Oliver, HRM.
He said he will come 🙂
When the delivery person drops off the 8-10 boxes of unassembled cat trees, you’ll regret leaving that credit card out where Oliver could see it! That an the $800 cat exercise wheel Oliver will hang his catnip mice on but not use for exercise…!
He would love that cat exercise wheel haha. 🙂 and yes my credit card will melt LOL
That look on his face says “silly human….I know his password and he also stored his credit card at the Pet supply stores so I can order whatever I want whenever I want. By the way, Nubes….what was that you said you’d like to have? I can just add it to my order….just one more click here.”
Beware when the postman rings!
I think it’s too late for that… I got home to a note from the postman saying I missed 5 parcels. I don’t recall ordering that much unless Amazon decided to do a one item per box for my recent order it should only be one! So either the postman can’t write or Oli placed an extra order. 🙂
Oliver looks very intense, Maybe it’s the Scottish fold in him lol 😉
Haha 😀
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Awww and thanks again ^^
You’re so talented, Oliver ! What would Marc-André do without you ? Purrs
Haha! So true 🙂
Good job Oliver!
Those humans are so lucky they have us kitties to do things like this for them. What would they do without us?! We don’t even want to think about it…
Oli totally agreed with you just before he stole my iPad. 🙁
You are so lucky Oliver can help. A lot of cats just lay on the keyboard.
He would do that on the old Acer aka super heat pad. The Mac is more interesting to click random buttons as it doesn’t get to the temperature cats classify as warm 😉
Way to go Oliver!!!!
Lola wants to know if you would be willing to split a little ( well no too little…) Tuna Hamper from Harrods?
He will probably just order 3. 2 for him since he has to share with Nubsey and one for Lola 😉
You cracked it, Your Meowjesty! 😀
Lol he has
Oliver is a riot! He looks so much like my Teemu! Too funny!
Haha thank you :). And yes he is our little mischievous boy hehe