Hello everyone,
Welcome to our latest Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t yet subscribed to our newsletter, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀
Please find the photos for everyone who entered this week below:
Meet Tomcat and Sister O. Think they can’t hurt a fly? well they are the kitties behind Cats Kill :O!
Now if this isn’t a cute entry by Growth Factors which you can find here.
Meet Jax! Whom you can visit here.
Meet Steamed Bun. You can read the whole story over at The Gypsy Mau here.
Adorable kittens from our friends over at Seaview 6.
And this lovely drawing comes from Pencil Paws whom you can visit here.
Meet Rosie and read more about her over at Fiona’s Favourites.
Doesn’t this cute entry from Anibundel make you long for spring and summer? It sure does for us! 😉
And here is the latest entry from jebusmewsandandrea whom you can visit here.
Meet Clementine from The Faces of Clementine.
And in case you missed last weeks post, click here to see the full list!
Now we need ALL of you! Do you want to see your cat featured and join our fun blog roll? Follow the steps below. 😀
All you need to do is post a photo or photo story of your furfriend on your own Blog and add your link onto our linky app by clicking here or by leaving a comment with a link back to your post.
Should you not have an own Blog you can even participate by sending us an email with your photo to info@katzenworld.co.uk – just let us know what you would like to have listed as source! 🙂
And to make it fair your cat photos don’t have to be a tummy shot. We do understand that not all cats like showing off their belly! So any fun photo story will be fine, but tummy ones will be even better 😀
And on next weeks #TRT we will be posting photos with links back to all you guys in the weekly Tummy Rub Tuesday post!!!
A big thank you to all participants from all of us here at Katzenworld.
Not on WordPress but would like to follow us? We are on Bloglovin too! 🙂
Click to visit our Shop for the hassle-free Zen Clippers!
Awwww….so cute 😀
Thanks ^^
Oh, there are some real winners in this offering. Imagine being able to sleep soundly in a pose such as Clementine’s! 🙂 Or, Rosie …
If only! I struggle to sleep in normal sleeping positions already LOL
So comforting to sleep with opened legs.
Hehe 🙂
🙂 he he
What a bunch of cuties!!
I know right? Hard to choose any one as the cutest haha.
They are all the cutest!!!
True 😉
Awwww!! Some fantastic pics there. I love the way some cats sleep with such total abandon 😀
I must remember to submit Mitch for next week!
Yes please! We would love an entry from Mitch 😀
They are so cute! I need to stop looking though as i want more cats haha
Tell me about it LOL
OMG these guys are yoga officianos! Everyone had their best belly on. Thanks for the smile! ?
Thank you ^^ glad you enjoyed the line-up
Clementine could join Cirque du Soleil, and the outdoor kitty does make me yearn for sprimg.
Oh yes I can’t wait. Though it was surprisingly sunny in London today!
Lucky you!
I know! Considering this place is usually known for its rainy days haha
Rosie has STOLEN my heart. She looks like Ms. Cali, a gorgeous CALICO CAT! All the others are adorable too. Thanks to all who shared photos of these tummies and sleepy cats!! <3
Thank you sheryl 🙂
Wowoweeeeeee! I am madly in love with all these cuties.
Thanks a lot for Steamed Bun’s exposure, Marc-Andre. 🙂 🙂
Haha ^^ thank you
That blog consisting entirely of photographs of the mostly rodent victims of cat serial killers is plain macabre. So why did I scroll through at least a dozen of the photos?
I’m going to go drink some very strong tea now.
PS I’ve sent you the link to my favorite photos of Torvald The Viking Lout for next TRT. I think I figured out the linky thing.
Woohoo. I’ll check that out when I get in at home. 😀
XD. But you have got to say it’s amazing that those two cuddly kitties are the killers behind the rodent victims no? I have to say I keep readin their stories despite them being macabre LOL
My dearest, sweetest cat, Mr. Ferguson, whose mew is a song and whose affection is a mitzvah, who rolls to expose his whole self to your human wonderfulness and embraces his wife Mrs. Nickel Catmium-Ferguson with a tenderness that induces diabetic coma, is the Cat Who Shows How It’s Done when it comes to hunting. Stone killer, no goofing around, makes other cats look like goldbrickers. Then he leaps in your lap and head-bumps you again.
Awwwww isn’t that part of why we love them so much hehe. :). My two cats are indoor only and Oli sucks at hunting… When we had the spider intruder he joined me on the chair whining rather than protect me LOL. We had to be rescued by our female cat who probably thought the hell are the boys up to now… He is good at hunting flying things tho… Apart from destroying any object in his path of jump LOL
Aww, they are all so cute. Thanks for using my Jax. I’ll try to get you a good pic of our other kitty Janie soon. She’s not quite as photogenic as Jax is, or quite as prone to sleep in odd positions. 😉
Haha. Looking forward to more entries. 🙂
Great tummy shots! We love the one of Rosie in the box.
Thank you :). And yes Rosie is very cute ^^
Such cute tummies- I would rub them all if I could.
I know! May need more time in a day tho haha
They’re ALL so precious! 🙂
Thank you! ^^
Pingback: The Luster | The Gypsy Mau
Thank you for the link. 🙂
A very big THANK YOU from TC & Sister O.!
Most welcome. :). And looking forward to more entries from the two. ^^
What a gorgeous collection of cats; Rosie in her box looks particularly keen to have a tummy rub.
Thank you Storm ^^
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Thank you 😀
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