Hi everyone,
This photo was just too cute not to share! 🙂
(Photo source: Pinterest )
Has your cat ever caught something random and brought it home?
Oliver and Nubia luckily only “catch their toys” 🙂
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dinner is bigger then the cat. Better then can food.
Haha much better than can food
My old cat brought a kind of ducklings home sometimes. Cute photo 🙂
Thank you ^^ and wow not heard of that as a catch before!
We lived beside a big lake, where she found them hiding themselves. That did not give any candy 😉
Haha 🙂
My cat “caught” the lobster carcass in our trash. She was so puzzled when I was less than pleased to find it on my pillow.
LOL. She was obviously thinking that she got you the best present in the world 😉
From the look on the cat’s face the fisherman better not try to take it away.
When I lived in the countryside in North Carolina we had a “cat window” that allowed the cats (and various other critters) to go in and out at will. They were always bringing presents….baby mice (tiny, pink flea infested things), lovely little bunnies, birds of all sorts, moles, etc. But I drew the line the day I walked in and found a snake in my kitchen. Okay, so it was a black garden snake (not poisonous) about two feet long and as big around as my index finger but it was still a snake and I’m petrified of snakes. Home alone and my husband’s office partner when I called thought it was the funniest thing he had heard. After he stopped laughing he suggested I sweep it out the door with a broom which is what I did.
Oh, one of the critters that came in was a possum with a taste for crunchy cat food. We swept him out the door with the broom too.
And any animal that was alive when they were brought in was rescued and taken out to the woods and let go (bunnies, mice, birds etc).
Wow! You certainly had your fair share of random animal presents!!! 0.0
WOW! That’s some fish!
Haha i know! Best catch ever
Rom never caught a fish, but one fine spring day, he caught a bird and brought it inside. My sister-in-law snatched it up in a paper towel and put it outside in the trash – all the while lecturing Rom about killing things… She took a bag of trash out about a half hour later and when she took the can’t lid off, the bird flew out. Apparently it had fainted and Liz nearly did, too.
Wow. Thats quite a story! Poor bird but lucky he made it.
Trop marrant, génial 🙂
This cat looks a bit like my cat! My cat has been known to bring in slices of bread and a turkey leg bone. He looked so please with himself when he found the turkey bone!
Bread?!? That’s a new one :0 but i can imagine how much he must have liked that turkey bone haha
Yeah the bread thing has happened more than once too! Haha!
XD. How funny
One of our cats, Scruffy, when I was growing up used to bring worms home *shudder*. My cat Scooby was an absolute master at catching the cellophane wrappers from cigarette packets lol. We lived next door to a pub, back in the day when smoking was still allowed, so she seemed to have an endless source for her prey. And Rory once came home with half a sausage. We have no idea where she got that from but suspect someone at the old folks complex across the way might have given it to her lol. Not that Rory has *ever* looked even vaguely under nourished 😛
LOL. She must have been so pleased with the sausage
PS – I love the expression on the cat’s face in the picture! He’s like “This is MY fish. And no-one’s going to have it but ME” 😀
LOL. Indeed 🙂
Such a large fish
I know! I am sure it must weigh more than the cat haha
Indeed 😀 hahaha
I don’t think kitty intends to share this catch…!
Most certainly not LOL
Super,super,super shot!
I have a big black cat named River who could pull this off.
if he does we need a photo haha 🙂 in fact if you’d like to do a guest post dor him in the future you are very welcome to do so ^^
Geckos, mice, long-legged grasshoppers (katydids), frogs, birds, BATS, and a snake (once).
A BAT?!? Thats impressive as they are super quick and can navigate the dark even better than cats :0
Yep. The Oak Court Cats bring in a number of different critters; they’re just being cats.
Of course as they should do! And also helping the household while they are at it. 😉
Sylvester has brought us a couple birds and baby bunnies.
I know its a cat thing but i think i’d be crushed if my cat brought me baby bunnies. And poor cat wouldn’t understand at all why i’d be upset haha xD
I know, I was a bit taken aback myself. But he was so proud of himself.
I can imagine! He was probably like look! I got us dinner for two! Now please cook it
Wow! That is some catch. The fish is nearly bigger than the cat!
Exactly! That’s why i had to share this. 🙂
That is too cute. Ours are indoor only so they don’t bring anything home.
Yep same dor our two. 🙂 only toys and pens in the morning LOL
Ha ha! I wish I could catch fish!
Imagine how many people or cats couod get fed by that fishy lok
Reggie would be that cat if he could go to the river. Today he watched the crows in the yard and murmered words I can’t repeat. R
My two watch the crows on the roof of the house across the street – and I repeat their words to them all the time. Do you think they ever blush when getting caught? Think again.
XD. Oli is feighting by crowd
Now, where did Kitty Kat go fishing for that fish? Someone’s freezer? 🙂 Bon appetit.
Probably a pissed of market shop owner 😉
What a big catch!!! 🙂
Pawsome Photo!xx Speedy
On Sundays we always noms a great white shark!
Be careful with their teeth. They have many many small sharp teeth
Not the sharkies we has. Them has been deaded before nomming.
Pfew 🙂 good!
One of my two went into the trash bin and brought out a kiwi-peel-half. Must have mistaken it for a kind of mousy thingie, I suspect ..
LOL. Well they are a bit furry 🙂
We didn’t, but when Angel Céleste and Angel Loupi could go outside freely, one day the came back home with a big piece of bacon ! Purrs
Haha bacon! They must have stolen someones breakfast :o!
The expression in his face is priceless. Hugs!
Our black-and-white cat is the hunter – the other one is too lazy…
Lizards (with and without tails) mice, baby birds and once a small egg – without breaking it! You could see the tooth marks, but the shell wasn’t broken. We also had a bat, which I though was dead and it wasn’t… I picked it up in a paper towel and it moved. I think you could have heard me scream three streets away. The bat seemed to just be stunned, and flew away after a couple of hours recovery time in a shoebox.
Poor bat (and you) xD. Very impressive about the egg!!!
Thanks. I think I have a photo of it somewhere. I should post it.
If you do post it let me know! 🙂
I couldn’t find the photo, but I found the egg! My son had kept it. There is a post on my blog.
Growing up we lived next to a ditch and our cat Fletcher would bring home a rat almost every night. Occasionally a snake or bird but mostly rats. One year in jr. high school science class I earned a lot of extra credit by bringing those fresh kills into the science teacher.
I would have thought cats too struggle with rats o.o
Love this sassy cat! I posted it on Facebook, and on Pinterest 🙂
To give you an idea of the kinds of things the cats drag in, I’ve written a couple of blog posts about it:
Then there are the mice, and the lizards, and the frogs…
Wow! Yes you has your fair share of things being dragged in 😮 off topic: my trip to Orlando is coming closer and closer! Only a few more months ^^
If it’s clear weather when you’re there, take the opportunity to look at the sunsets. The colors can be breathtaking. 🙂
hello katzenworld its dennis the vizsla dog hay nope my kitty sisters wer mor the types of cats hoo sat in their beds waiting to be brawt things then the kind wot went owt and got things themselves!!! ha ha ok bye
Haha. Yes our two are lazy as well 😉 but on occasion they dump their toys in our bed at 4 am!!!
Old Cat brought a duck home once.
Thats a big contribution to the household :o!
I once had a cat that brought me crickets, alive. He’d plop them out of his mouth, play with them for awile and then pull one of their legs off.
Yuck 😡 glad my two are indoors haha. I dont mind cats bringing in presebts but i dont like crickets!!! XD
Many years ago, when mom had indoor/outdoor cats, one brought home a shrimpy, crawdaddy thing, probably from a neighbor’s pond. She heard it flopping around on the porch and thought it was blowing leaves.
Thats an interesting present. My neighbours cat used to steal another neighbours koi karps on a refular basis. He when had to nurse them back to health in a fish tank before returning them as they were alove but half descaled… Too embarassed to tell the other neighbour. Until one day he got caught at the attempt of returning it! Turned out the other guy installed a camera due to missing fish – apparently not all victims survived. So you can imagine the talk of that LOL
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Thank you! 🙂