Paint it Black! Louis Catorze’s Choice for Style and Stealth

If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

Naturellement, Louis Catorze would choose a fetching all-black ensemble.

Not only does black hide the dirt better than most other colours – sometimes it’s just better not to know what crud you’ve been thrashing around in – but it has the added bonus of concealing you when you’re on nefarious nocturnal missions. Sneaking off in the middle of the night to some place you have no business being, to do something you absolutely shouldn’t be doing, is so much more difficult if you’re bright orange or paper-white.

Furthermore, distinctive colours make it more difficult to pin your neighbourhood misdeeds upon others; “It must have been some other ginger cat with green eyes, white paws and a gigantic, fluffy tail” somehow isn’t as convincing as, “It must have been some other black cat”.

Black is also very versatile; you don’t have to change your outfit for Hallowe’en. And black matches everything. Here is Louis Catorze, provide this by accessorising with a bespoke cobweb fascinator in silver grey:

An outfit from the Louis Catorze Spring-Summer 2023 Collection.
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